
It is clear that Nancy Pelosi’s reign as Speaker has been an absolute disaster for the Democratic party and for the entire nation

 Margaret Kimberley.

‘Raticide is just fascinating.   Mrs. Pelosi has not been winning any friends during her tenure as Speaker.    Kimberly is leftarded and has more to say about Mrs. Pelosi: 

The Democratic Speaker of the House would like to arrest activists for loitering. Her Quisling like behavior has led protesters to her front door in San Francisco, but she has only herself to blame for the inconveniences she and her rich neighbors now suffer. The great unwashed masses have a right to assemble at her home, her office, or anywhere else they choose in order to exercise what is left of their right to speak freely. Her own words show her level of contempt for the democratic process.

It seems that certain leftards hate Pelosi even worse than they do George Bush.

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