You’d like to think that one place our nations laws would be respected would be in the Halls of Congress.    Not if you are a democrat, who planned to flout our nation’s immigrantion laws by using illegal aliens as props.   Martin Kady, Crypt,  has the sordid detail:

Democrats knew they were embracing the touchy subject of immigration when they planned an afternoon press conference with three college students whose parents came to the United States illegally .

But they were stunned when Rep. Tom Tancredo (R-Colo.), a presidential candidate who has made a name for himself as a hard-liner on immigration, called for the three students – all of whom have been in the United States for over a decade – to be arrested.

The leftards were stunned:

Sen. Richard J. Durbin (D-Ill.), who sponsored the Dream Act, said he found it “absolutely stunning” that a member of Congress would call on college students to be arrested at a press conference.

A United States senator should not use an illegal alien as a prop.  Durbin should know better.   Does he?    Will the New York Time run a long series of op-eds on Durbin’s willingness to break the law?

Need less to say,  Think Progress was all upset:

Democrats were planning to hold a press conference today featuring three college students whose parents came to the United States illegally in order to promote the DREAM Act. But the event was postponed after anti-immigrant Rep. Tom Tancredo (R-CO) called on the Immigration and Customs Enforcement Agency to arrest the three students

Now Think Progress is fond using the word illegal to describe anything to do with Dick Cheney.    Funny they just can’t bear to use the word in connection with immigrant.

The final word goes to Tancredo:

If we can’t enforce our laws inside the building where American laws are made, where can we enforce them?” 

Hat tip:  Memorandum.

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3 Responses to “Tancredo: Arrest Durbin’s Prop”

  1. I’m curious;

    Why not arrest Durbin, who must have known illegals were involved?

  2. Two reasons.

    One Dickies’s dog and pony show did not come off.  It was canceled upon Trancredo’s threat.

    Two, I don’t believe that holding a news conference with illegals is even illegal.  I’d like to believe that a Senator attempt uphold our nation’s laws, but I know better.

  3. Well, exactly.
    Thing is, if they’re illegals, isn’t it against the law for them to even be here?
    Durbin must have known the law was being broken, and as such, he should have been arrested.