Let’s get straight to it.  What the hell were Obama’s people thinking when they invited a white openly gay minister to open for his South Carolina gospel concert with Donnie McClurkin?I’ll repeat it once more.

I said, what the hell were Obama’s people thinking when they invited a white openly gay minister to open for his South Carolina gospel concert with Donnie McClurkin?

Is he trying to lose the race?  That’s all I want to know.

So asks Jasmyne Cannick.

obama.jpgThe answer of course, is not that he’s trying to lose, but that he’s going to lose by the way he’s trying to win.  Specifically, he’s pandering to everybody.  Eventually, he’s going to get caught.  Eventually, both sides are going to be ticked off at him.

This is what happens when you don’t stand for something.  And here’s a clue; inclusiveness is not a goal.  It’s a slogan.  And not a very good one.  Look up in the upper right hand corner of this page.  What does it say there?

Those who tolerate everything, stand for nothing. What do YOU stand for?

I don’t mean to pick on Obama here, because frankly to0 many people do it… mostly, in my observation those of the leftist persuasion.  They try desperately to include everybody, regardless of what they stand for. THey’re busy collecting all the votes they can, so they’ll tell you what you want to hear… no matter what you think. So it is that they spend the entire election cycles talking out of both sides of their mouth.  Ultimately, the two ends, end up clashing, at a very basic and intrinsic level… a level of nature which value neutral leftists tend to go well out of their way to try to avoid.  It always comes back to bite them, as in this case…. where Obama ran straight into the values of the voters he’s trying to court… and lost.

The lesson to take away from this, of course, is that when they tell you that they stand by you and your values, they really don’t.  While they’re telling you this, there also telling people from the opposite end of the spectrum that they stand with them.

The only thing in the end, that they really stand for, is their own power grab. What you’re seeing, in Jasmyne, and people like her, in her comments, is the slow realization of this; and the somewhat slower realization that they’ve been royally had.

The question now is how many people in seeing this will admit this to themselves? 

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  1. Finaldaw.Com » The wages of pandering….