Michelle has the story.  The Reverend Al Sharpton has opened his big yap again.   This time the Reverend is demanding the Golf Channel fire Kelly Tilghman orer  inappropriate remarks she made in reference to Tiger Woods.  Tilghman has apologized for her remarks and Woods has accepted her apology.   Done deal.

Al Sharpton

Yet the Reverend Sharpton is not statisfied and he still wants Tilghman fired.   Gee Reverend what ever happened to the Christian concept of forgiveness?

Yet speaking of apologies, the Reverend Sharpton has never apologized for calling Steven Pagones a rapist, nor has Sharpton paid the slander judgement due Pagones.    There is an apology due and it is not from Tilghman, but from the Reverend.  

Pay up Al or simply shut up.

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