The Politico is saying that Mitt Romney is “Dialing down expecations…. hard”.

Mitt Romney, a dominant favorite in New Hampshire just weeks ago, said Sunday that a “close second” to Arizona Sen. John McCain would be a significant feat on Tuesday.

The almost frantic downsizing of expectations for the former Massachusetts governor came as the candidate and his staff are publicly and privately preparing to explain away what would be a disheartening loss and shift to a last-ditch strategy predicated on his ability to outlast and outspend his rivals, according to sources inside the campaign.

That’s as good an early admission  of defeat as I’ve ever seen. If only it wasn’t to McCain.

One wonders when that same dance isn’t going to be played by Hillary Clinton, who now shows around 13 points behind Obama in NH.

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  1. Hillary Clinton: New benchmark of expectation lowering? | BitsBlog