It used to be ‘global warming’. Then a few dozen  enviro-nazi rallies got stopped by snowstorms. Kinda hard to claim global warming when you’re freezing your buttocks off.

Remember how it was vital we ‘save the whales’? Well, that’s out now, too.

 OSLO -(REUTERS)- Eat a whale and save the planet, a Norwegian pro-whaling lobby said on Monday of a study showing that harpooning the giant mammals is less damaging to the climate than farming livestock.
Environmental group Greenpeace dismissed the survey, saying almost every kind of food was more climate friendly than meat.

The survey, focused on whale boats’ fuel use, showed that a kilo (2.2 lbs) of whale meat represented just 1.9 kilo (4.2 lbs) of greenhouse gases against 15.8 for beef, 6.4 for pork and 4.6 for chicken.

“Basically it turns out that the best thing you can do for the planet is to eat whale meat compared to other types of meat,” said Rune Froevik of the High North Alliance, which represents the interests of coastal communities in the Arctic.

“Greenhouse gas emissions caused by one meal of beef are the equivalent of eight meals of whale meat,” the study said.

There are some stories which don’t require comment.

This is one such.

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