Oliver Willis entitles a post “GOP Has Buyers Remorse” and claims the GOP is upset that Palin is on the bottom of the ticket instead of the top.

Not really. Possibly in fantasy land, but unlike the “reality based community” most on the right live in the present. Even if they don’t particularly like it, I think most of the GOP see McCain as a much better match up for Obama in this cycle than just anyone else.

So says Bruce.

And ya know what? He’s right in the circle on this one. As one of his commentors says over there… What the heck is it with Democrats and projection anymore?

In answer, I guess when its the only defense you have left you use it, even if you know for the most part it ain’t workn’… And Willis seems to be going to some lenths to sheld himself from reality, in any event. I guess it’s the only way he can recognize the wingnut in the mirror.

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  1. ezineaerticles » Blog Archive » I don’t think so, either.