Over at Right Wing News, Gina Cobb  quotes a spokesman from Hamas:

“We love death as much as you love life” is an ancient Islamic boast.

And a deeply evil one.

It makes you wonder how exactly Islamists distinguish themselves in their own minds from followers of the devil himself.

If someone deliberately set out to fill the world with the purest evil he could find, wouldn’t the effort prominently feature minions who take delight in bringing about the deaths of innocent men, women and children — including their own?  Wouldn’t some of the proudest moments of these soldiers of hell include incidents like “Beslan” and “9/11” and “Mumbai” and “Nicholas Berg” and “heads found in fruit boxes all over Baghdad” and “suicide bomb detonated in pizza parlor” and “Lockerbie,” just to name a few of the many?

Suicide Bombers parade

Representatives of the religion of peace

They want that much to die?  It seems to me we should be about accommodating these people.

Of course, there will be those who will be horrified by my comment.  They will tell us that we should be negotiating and trying to keep the peace.  Gina addresses that one:

But where do you even begin, with a culture that firmly believes that a day spent slaughtering innocents is a good day’s work?

The answer, dear reader, is not in negotiation.

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3 Responses to “Let’s Give Them All the Help We Can”

  1. .
    Hamas are evil garbage, they must be eliminated.  Then, if the rest of the ‘Palestinians’ really want peace they can give up their dream of destroying Israel, if not, they will never have peace.

    Israel must destroy as much of Hamas as possible before the MSM and the idiots and ignorants whine loud enough for them to stop.  They must only quit when they are ready. 

    For EVERY missile shot into Israel at least ONE missile should be returned to the area as close as possible to the shooter. Tit for tat. Every single missile should be returned.  Period. Treat them like adults, if they kill, they will be killed.  If they send missiles, they will receive them.  That is the only way they will learn. Screw public opinion, force them to see the truth, or let them be damned.
    absurd thought –
    God of the Universe says
    hope your kids grow up

    to strap bombs on babies
    to kill other children

    absurd thought –
    God of the Universe says
    form a terrorist country

    then wish to be destroyed
    by committing acts of war

    absurd thought –
    God of the Universe says
    blame your failings on the Jews

    for a few more thousand years
    they are Earth’s scapegoats

    absurd thought –
    God of the Universe says
    give Israel away

    to appease her enemies
    dishonor America
    All real freedom starts with freedom of speech.  Without freedom of speech there can be no real freedom.
    Philosophy of Liberty Cartoon
    Help Stop Terrorism Today!


  2. The talk of peace is naive.  A nceessary condition for peace is that all sides muct be able to agree on a mutually acceptable version of peace.  As the only accetable version of peace for Hamas is peace without Israel, the latter can not accept peace unless it commits natinal suicide.


  1. Let’s Give Them All the Help We Can | Right Views