The late Justine Damond thought she heard an intruder. She called 9111, and one of the responding Minneapolis police officers hot Damond dead, from Useless Toady:
“We have a tragedy at hand, and we have a community that’s frightened.
Continue reading about Minneapolis Police Racism Provokes Backlash
Jeb Johnson is making the media rounds for the regime and displaying the fact that Johnson is a fool, Wrong point one, from ABC News:
Denying Muslims entry into the United States would be “counterproductive” and “would not work,”
How much does the lame stream media react to the a failure to embrace, support and indeed celebrate the homosexual lifestyle, what the media calls homophobia? Will it all depends. The lame stream media has different standards for different communities
Continue reading about Maybe Homophobia is Acceptable After All?
I link to USA Today, which explain why the paper is publishing the cover of the post attack edition of Charlie Ledbo, video:
To defeat evil, you must first recognize and acknowledge it. The regime refuses. Charlie lives, even if
Mark Steyn draws a straight line between the ilk of the Barack Obama and the New York Times and those who invoke Islam to commit mass murder, video:
Hat tip: Nice Deb
The Islamist terrorists could silence what passes for
Continue reading about Mark Steyn, Barack Obama And Charlie Hebdo
The face of evil, from Gordon Rayner, Martin Evans and John Bingham, Telegraph (UK):
The woman who presided over the last five years of failure as the boss of children’s services at Rotherham Council is the same executive who removed
The Reverend Al Sharpton can go home. The late Michael Brown was shot in the front with his arms down, from Daily Caller:
An autopsy conducted on Michael Brown, the unarmed 18-year-old fatally shot by Ferguson, Missouri, police officer
Radical whack jobs have combined forces to wage war on Africans. First up, from Caleb S. Rossiter, Wall Street Journal:
Every year environmental groups celebrate a night when institutions in developed countries (including my own university) turn off their
One of the problems that I’ve noticed these last couple of weeks and particularly the last couple of days as regards Syria’s attack on its own citizens (supposedly, anyway) is a total lack of information about who was being attacked
Andres Serraon’s Piss Christ is not art. Whereas art intended to inspire, Serrano’s only intent with Piss Christ was to inflame Christians. Further, the Obama administration has made it abundantly clear that is does not recognize any peaceful protest as
Continue reading about Will Piss Christ Turn Christian Passions Violent?
Back along about the end of 2006, during a Christmas break, I wrote an extended piece about Islam and some of the problems in the world with relation to it. I’ll post it here, because I think it’;s ideas are
Religion of Peace, Tim Fought and Nedra Pickler, Associated Press:
PORTLAND, Ore. – A Somali-born teenager plotted “a spectacular show” of terrorism for months, saying he didn’t mind that children would die if he bombed a crowded Christmas
Religion of Peace:
Islambad, Pakistan (CNN) — Two prominent Pakistani Muslim leaders threatened Wednesday to call for nationwide protests if the president pardons a Christian woman sentenced to death for insulting the Muslim prophet Mohammed.
“If the president
I won’t try to speak for the guy in Florida arranging for the very public burning of the Koran.
Nor, by the same token, will I attempt to speak for the foreign-funded groups attempting to put a Mosque at or
Hell no to hatred. Towel heads want to build mosque over Ground Zero, New York Post:
Angry relatives of 9/11 victims last night clashed with supporters of a planned mosque near Ground Zero at a raucous community-board hearing