Defund National Public Radio, if NPR wants to lie, they should not be allowed to do so on the taxpayer’s dollar. An NPR village idiot, Sarah McCammon, writes:
She hopes Barrett’s confirmation will lead to the overturning of the
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One side of me says this is story but should be treated seriously. It should. In large part I will not. In Portland Saturday some wannabe Antifa/BLM soldier boy attempted to throw Molotov Cocktail at I assume was the Portland
Continue reading about A Fiery Thing Happened on the Way to the Riot
The President has announced an end taxpayer funded racist indoctrination program, from Whitehouse:
It has come to the President’s attention that Executive Branch agencies have spent millions of taxpayer dollars to date “training” government workers to believe divisive, anti-American
Continue reading about President Orders End to Taxpayer Funded Racial Indoctrination
SEATTLE (AP) — Washington State Patrol troopers arrested nine people participating in a protest in which vehicles blocked traffic on Interstate
Writer Vicky[sic Willie] Osterweil’s book, In Defense of Looting, came
A Biden staffer attempted to end Joe Biden's
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De Blasio just said on CNN that New York cannot open because it has no money to
The mantra of the social justice warrior is to never let the facts obscure their agenda. Speaker of the House defending down playing the health threat posed by the Chinese Corona Virus (Wuflu) because in her demented minds referring to
[President Donald Trump] “We’d like to see New York [City?] quarantined because it’s
On Friday, Democratic presidential candidate Sen. Amy Klobuchar (D-MN) told supporters that “sensible gun legislation” is necessary in the wake of the Aurora, Illinois shooting.
“It is time to do something about, by the way, after
Sober reax, Michael Nollet, American Thinker:
Much has been made of the pre-dawn arrest of Roger Stone in his home in Fort Lauderdale. To make this
Continue reading about Fearless Leader’s Goons SWAT Roger Stone