I just spent five unfortunate minutes waiting through some enviro whack job and his diatribe of wanting to reduce the Earth’s population to give the earth a chance to heal.
I asked him if he was willing to off himself to help give the earth a chance to heal.
Of course as I expected he was unwilling to do that. He also angrily informed me that if it was the end result that we were unable to save the planet it would be because of me and “my type”.
I told him:
“Your lack of enthusiasm for the plan shows a disappointing lack of commitment to the goal of saving the planet. ”
I also told him:
“This goes directly to a long-standing point of mine. That being, it’s always somebody else that has to pay for the left and it’s grandiose schemes. And when those grandiose schemes don’t work it’s not because the ideas weren’t worth the powder to blow up… it’s always somebody else’s fault.”
I thanked him for playing the game. I rather doubt I got through to him, such people tend to be immune to reality.