Yeah like we didn’t see this coming.

OPEC and its allies including Russia decided on Thursday to stick with a schedule of gradual production increases as the U.S. weighs an unprecedented release from its national strategic petroleum reserves in an attempt to bring down gasoline prices.

We could of course produce our own oil in quantities that OPEC can’t even approach but of course we have Joe Biden running things.

Oh, and about the release of strategic oil reserves? Those are supposed to be for military use if we end up in a war. And with this idiot in charge, the likelihood of that happening is immediately and order of scale higher.

And finally, notice the timing of the announcement from the White House on the matter:

Mr. Biden’s plan, to release one million barrels of oil a day for 180 days, would represent roughly 5 percent of American demand and 1 percent of global demand.

180 days? Isn’t that the distance between now and the midterm elections? Well I guess it’s strategic after all. The strategy being to try and minimize the damage the Democrats have done themselves. Make the American people think “well maybe it’s not so bad”…

At the end of the day, Joe Biden is King Midas in reverse.

That temporary and relatively small decrease in pump prices? It’s not really going to help.

Take a close look at the picture I’ve linked here. That’s about half a tank for the truck that I drive. Is anybody naive enough to think that those prices are not being passed on to the consumer in everything that those trucks haul, everything that those trains haul, everything that those Jets Haul?

In other words Biden is raising the price of literally everything.

Everybody knows it’s the insane”green” nonsense doing this, and yet the mainstream media continues the chant: