The man who claims to have nine billion dollars, but evidently can not afford a hair piece worthy of Howard Cossell wants do to the taxpayers what he did to his creditors four time, bankrupt them.

If our nation survives to January 20,  2017 it will have been disspite the effort of witless fool with a massive over-sized ego.   The last thing we need to replace one fool with an over-inflated ego, is another fool with an even bigger ego, and a bad hair piece, from Kevin D. Williamson, National Review:

Donald Trump may be the man America needs. Having been through four bankruptcies, the ridiculous buffoon with the worst taste since Caligula is uniquely positioned to lead the most indebted organization in the history of the human race.


Of course, when Trump sings “How Great Thou Art,” he sings it in a mirror. The problem with messiah complexes is that there’s no way to know whether you are going to rise on the third day unless somebody crucifies you. Trump has announced, and I say we get started on that.

Donald go back home to the Democrat Party.   The grown folks don’t need you.