davidl on April 1st, 2008

Mrs. William ClintonIt is our opinion that the Clintons, both B.J. and Mrs., are chronic, habitual liars.   The pattern of Mrs. Clinton inability to tell the Truth can be traced at least as far as 1974.  Steve Gilbert, Sweetness &  Light

Continue reading about Mrs. Clinton Then And Now

Eric Florack on April 1st, 2008

John Lott online at Fox this morning, puts a slightly different angle on things than the Democrats want spread round:

A little perspective on the economy would be helpful. The average unemployment rate during President Clinton was 5.2 percent. The

Continue reading about John Lott: The ‘Recession’ Is a Media Myth

Mr. and Mrs. ClintonGood move, or bad move, Barack Obama knows where to attack the Clinton’s in the massive, and over inflated, egos.   B.J. Clinton is riled over Obama’s Reagan comments, Ezra Klein, American Prospect:

Bill Clinton’s take on this was that

Continue reading about Will the Clintons Now Start Trashing Daniel Patrick Moynihan

The AP reports, and the New York Times expands, on a new study by a supposedly “independent” organization that claims to have assembled hundred of “false statements” by the Bush administration in the course of the Iraq war. However,

Continue reading about So the Study That Says Bush Lied is Soros Funded? What Else is New?

davidl on January 19th, 2008

Mrs. William ClintonThe Clinton’s are vicious on the attack, provided they are attacking no more than a mere straw dog.  Barack incited the Clinton when he said that Ron Reagan changed the trajectory of the country in ways that B.J. Clinton never

Continue reading about The Gipper Gets Under B.J. And Mrs. Clinton’s Skin

davidl on January 17th, 2008

Barack Obama gives praises to Ronald Reagan:



Transcript, via Open Left:

I don’t want to present myself as some sort of singular figure.  I think part of what’s different are the times.  I do think that for

Continue reading about Barack Obama Channels the Gipper

davidl on January 4th, 2008

Stephen Green, Vodka Pundit, asks a simple question:

Dear Iowa Republicans,

I’ll put this in language even your tiny little Iowa brains can understand: What the f*** is wrong with you people?

The news coming out of Des Moines

Continue reading about What’s Wrong with Iowa?

Eric Florack on November 17th, 2007

Rich Texas bastard T. Boone Pickens boasted that he would give $1 million to anyone who can disprove “even a single charge” leveled by the Swift Boat Veterans for Truth, who he funded to the tune of $3 milion. Kerry

Continue reading about Proof=Actual Documentation

Eric Florack on November 11th, 2007

Poor Paul Krugman...

So there’s a campaign on to exonerate Ronald Reagan from the charge that he deliberately made use of Nixon’s Southern strategy. When he went to Philadelphia, Mississippi, in 1980, the town where the civil rights workers

Continue reading about Poor Paul Krugman…

davidl on November 6th, 2007

Mr. and Mrs. Clinton

Alas poor Tim Russert.   First Linda Hirshman  analogized Russert to Adolf Hiter.  Now,  and maybe even worse,  former president B.J. Clinton compares Russert to  John O’Neill

‘Rat folklore holds that John Kerry would be Presidnet but for the evil of

Continue reading about Clinton’s Shovel

Good lord, it MUST be.

I mean, in the last week, I’ve gotten… and I kid you not, around 1000 notes telling me I need enlargement.

I dunno. Only thing I can figure is my reputation somehow became otherwise than

Continue reading about Penis Enlargement the Fastest… Umm… growing Business in America?

James Joyner: (Link repaired)

Reason‘s Dave Weigel takes to the pages of The American Conservative to warn Republicans that they’re not going to win in 2008 simply by bashing Hillary Clinton.

While negative campaigning and pointing out the

Continue reading about The American People Already Know the Negatives of Hillary Clinton.