davidl on December 2nd, 2020

Dr. Walter E. Williams has passed. From his last column published yesterday, CNS News:

If we accept the notion that rotten education is not preordained, then I wonder when the black community will demand an end to an educational

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davidl on July 29th, 2020

As the old joke goes: What do the Sun and Eastman Kodak have in common? Both are large yellow objects that used to seen in Rochester. Well the Sun is still missing, but like Nessie, the Loch Ness Monster, a

Continue reading about Who Knew, Kodak Stock Soars

davidl on December 4th, 2018

Former bartender and Congress Critter-elect Democratic Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez claims, with no convincing evidence, to have studied economics.  One wonders just where, from Daily Caller:

Democratic Rep.-elect Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez of New York slammed the electric car company Tesla

Continue reading about AOC: Fails At Economics

davidl on July 30th, 2018

The nice thing about Classic Economics is that it timeless.  The bad thing about some politicians is that they are clueless.  The late great economist Milton Friedman lived in San Francisco, evidently without imparting any wisdom to the City Fathers,

Continue reading about Milton Friedman – 1: City of San Francisco – 0

davidl on November 13th, 2017

From  the Men, Women, Different department, from Claudia Goldin: How to Win the Battle of the Sexes Over Pay (Hint: It Isn’t Simple), NY Slimes, via Bradford-Delong:

…Ms. King fought hard for equal rights and, on the tennis

Continue reading about New York Slimes, Wage Gap And Don Quixote

davidl on October 30th, 2017

Well it all depends on the meaning of get buzzed. From the same company which gives us Richard’s Wild Irish Rose, a new way to get a buzz on, from Wall Street Journal, via Professor Althouse:

The C$245

Continue reading about Cannabis, Tastes Great, Less Filling

davidl on June 5th, 2017

Just as the Sun came up this morning, and garbage stinks, Algore,  b/k/a former Vice President, Albert Gore, expressed, well feigned, shock that President Donald Trump  withdrew* from the United States from the Paris Accords, from Politico:

Former Vice

Continue reading about Algore: You Will Always have Paris

davidl on December 10th, 2016

Team Donny is asking questions for the Department of Energy. The watermelons are sweating melon seeds, from Willis Eschenbach, Watts Up with That:

Over at the Washington Post, Chris Mooney and the usual suspects are seriously alarmed by a

Continue reading about Team Donny Lights Up Department of Energy

davidl on November 30th, 2016

Funny, I can vaguely recall when Carrier was a New York State company. Ah, those were the days. I digressed. Back, Little Donny delivers on a campaign promise, New York Times and Little Bobby Reich upset, via Red State:

Continue reading about Little Donny Comes Through, Little Bobby Reich Mad

Maybe you believe that Mrs. B.J. Clinton used to be smart.   I would disagree.    What is quite evident is that currently Mrs. Clinton is not a smart woman. Jump to 28:20.

Rather than address economic opportunity and the development of

Continue reading about Thomas Sowell Takes Mrs.  Clinton’s Economic to the Woodshed

davidl on September 23rd, 2016

Socialism is a great theory, if you can ignore the fact that it runs counter to human nature.   The problem with socialism is that it simply does not work, from PJ Media:

Socialists argue that socialism is inherently better

Continue reading about Paging Comrade Bernie

davidl on August 23rd, 2016

Eric rambled about the unintended effects of the ethanol mandate.

Given  that not all environmentalists, at least those not named Al Gore, are not stupid and the effects of using food stuffs for motor fuel were quite obvious, and

Continue reading about More on Ethanol

Governor Moonbeam,  California pans the idea of fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage, and then signs it into law anyway, Leslie Eastman, Legal Insurrection.

To a social justice warrior, it not a matter of what makes sense, only what

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davidl on March 29th, 2016

Governor Moonbeam,b/k/a Edmund “Jerry” Brown just instituted a job lottery in California, from ABC News:

A political deal to raise California’s minimum wage to a nation-leading $15 an hour could help some workers cope with the state’s crushing cost

Continue reading about California Institutes Mandatory Job Lottery

davidl on October 23rd, 2015

Professor Robert Reich, a/k/a Little Bobby, offers his two cents on how to boost the Obama regime economy, from Puffington Post:

Have you noticed how often conservatives who disagree with a policy proposal call it a “job killer?”


Continue reading about Little Bobby Reich