Did you notice this from Limbaugh, yesterday? He was talking about Hillary Clinton:

HILLARY: I think the fact that governors are being forced into this position is really unfortunate.  They should not be making immigration policy.  The federal government should be making immigration policy.  And that’s what I’m going to try to do as president again.

Now Rush is correct, of course, in observing  that this is very revealing about what’s going on in the mind of Mrs. Clinton.  It also, however is revealing of what has always been going on in the woman’s mind.  It’s something I’ve already alluded to.

So now, the question becomes; issue by her own words ineligible to run for president after by her own words she’s already been president for eight years?

Now, I’m willing to grant that this is a constitutional issue, and most people that are supporting Hillary Clinton don’t give a damn about constitution and the following thereof , unless it’s something that they can hit the Republicans over the head with.   But that, seems to me a major point here.

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