This Is IsraelThis Is IsraelMs Magazine, established by Gloria Stienem, may proclaim itself the voice of all woman, but it surely is not.   Some topics are just too darn hot for the girls to handle, such as this ad (PDF)

 Via, Powerline:

A Ms. Magazine representative, Susie Gilligan, whom the Ms. Magazine masthead lists under the publisher’s office, told Ms. Kurlander that the magazine “would love to have an ad from you on women’s empowerment, or reproductive freedom, but not on this.” Ms. Gilligan failed to elaborate what “this” is.  

Gender feminists claims to reprent all woman, a claim I utterly reject.  Gender feminism represents but few vocal women who are vastly over represented in the media.

Edit:  Linked ad and quote.

Edit:  Added photo, Hat Tip:  Gateway Pundit.

Addendum:   More, Michelle Malkin. “Ms. magazine loves strong women, except…

Addendum:   Eugene Volokh, Volokh Conspiracy, commented:

The AJC item closes with this: “Ms. has the right to turn down our ad. But in exercising that right, it has spoken loudly about itself and its readership, and their lingering hostility to Israel.” If the account in the AJC report is correct — and I have no reason to doubt it, though if you know of contrary facts, please let me know — then the AJC’s evaluation seems quite right, too: Ms. is entitled to make its editorial judgment, but it’s an editorial judgment that we ought to condemn.

Yes in this country everybody even, Ms Magazine,  has a right to be bigoted.

More, Memeorandum.

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