Mark Finkelstein, Newsbusters:

DICK DURBIN: Well, I know Michelle, she’s been my friend, a friend of my wife, for many, many years. She can take it. She can handle herself. She’s a very accomplished person. But I will tell you this: the hottest ring in hell is reserved for those in politics who attack their opponents’ families. And if there are some Republican strategists who think that’t the way to win the election, I think they’re wrong.

I am sure glad I am agnostic, because Dickie Durbin has one strange god.    I can think of several people who Durbin might want to see in the innermost and hottest ring  of Hell. names like Steven Kazmierczak, Laurie Dann, Richard Speck, John Wayne Gacy, and oH yes Al Capone.   Yet for some strange reason, Durbin professes to worship a god who considers the feeling of (liberal) politician’s wives to be more precious that human life itself.

More:  Michelle Malkin

Addendum: (Bit)

All very true, But I have to say, I’m with Limbaugh, here:

The hottest ring in hell is reserved for people like you who attempt to criminalize members of the United States military trying to save your butt from foreign attack. 

And look at the people he might have named in that position, but didn’t. Shows you something of his values, and in turn that of most Democrats.

Now, note in Senator Turban’s world for whom the hottest ring in hell is reserved for.  It’s not reserved for Adolf Hitler.  The hottest ring in hell is not reserved for Bin Laden nor other terrorists who have killed thousands of Americans.  The hottest ring in hell is not reserved for child molesters and murderers and so forth.  No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.  The hottest ring in hell is reserved for people who would dare attack a politician.  The hottest ring in hell is reserved for anyone who would attack a politician’s wife.  Dick Durbin: hubris, arrogance, conceit, and stupidity.  This is who we’re dealing with, my friends.

Well, I hate to crrect Rush, but in this case I think he’d agree… it’s clear from even Durbin’s own history that the filter being applied is not just those that disagree with politicians in general, but rather who disagree publicly with LIBERAL pols that Durbin reserves that special hell for.
Everything, you see, comes down to their path to power, and what blocks it.

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2 Responses to “Little Demented Dickie Durbin”


  1. john wayne gacy | Lasts information
  2. john wayne gacy | Hottags