Either President Barack Obama made a sexist joke, or he is too naive to know the inference of the phrase “went down.”   Given a choice between Door A or Curtain B, Salon tries to Rosemary Woods the tape, from Salon:

Let’s all agree to just not pretend the president made an “oral sex joke” at his gay fundraiser last night, because that’s stupid. It’s stupid, and most of the people with jobs as political reporters are at least literate, and understand that this thing did not happen. So don’t repeat it, or even write that “some say” they thought it maybe happened. This would’ve been fodder for one 200-word Wonkette post back in 2006, maybe. “Funny pool report says crowd tittered at unintentional double entendre” is not actually the sort of thing that the INSIDERS and political junkies who read Politico should concern themselves with. (And let’s also agree to stop just adding question marks to headlines when the headline without a question mark is not supported by the content of the story, maybe?)

Roll the tape, video:

Hat tip: Ann Althouse.

I’ll tend to go with Ms Banfield, and assume that President Fifty-Seven States did not intend to make a joke.   On the other hand, the  audience sure perceived the President’s quip to a joke.

However as the audience clearly laughed at the former editor of the Harvard Law Review,  the idea that the Pres made an intentional funny is not without merit.   What the President intended to do is open to debate, and I pass on that debate.