Q: Why did the leftist cry himself to sleep?
A: He can’t recall.

That’s one of the many comments I’m hearing this morning, following a Scott Walker win in Wisconsin, that we predicted here.

WI Gov Scott Walker, following his victory speech last night

For all of the trying to make their own reality that the left has been involved with…. (“The Tea Party is dead”)….these last several months, the fact is the Tea Party handed the Democrats their collectivist heads. Make no mistake about what I’m saying, here. This is not a GOP victory, though they’ll cheer for it in a somewhat muted fashion. This was the Tea Party’s work, all the way. That’s a point that the GOP establishment shouldn’t lose sight of.

Says Jim Geraghty

He has liberated them from the soothing illusion that they are popular, and that the public agrees with them.

I’m not so sure, Jim. Think back and I’m sure you’ll have great problems coming up with any instance in memory where the Democrats allowed reality to alter their perceptions of themselves and their popularity. Even after Reagan’s landslide against Carter, the left was firmly convinced they were the more popular.

And today? Look at the comments from the folks who tried to out Walker:

“We aren’t going to go away,” said Marty Beil, executive director of the Wisconsin State Employees Union. “We’re not going to pull a blanket over our head and pee in our pajamas.”

You can’t get lower than that.

That’s why I’ve been telling the GOP for decades now, that they should never let down their guard. Too bad they’ve not been listening, and the Tea Party had to fight for the sane among us.

Oh, and speaking of Unpopular, CNN is saying that the Walker win was a narrow defeat for Democrats. Yeay, kinda like jobless rates have been taking “unexpected downturns” for 35-plus months, now. (OK, they changed it, now… apparently they could hear the laughter.)

Now…. you are going to doubtless hear that the reason Walker won is that the leftist cabal of the Unions, the Democrat party, and the socialists, were outspent. Funny how they only have problems with money in politics when they lose. Funny too, how they never mention that until the left gave up trying to buy the voters in WI, they were outspending the GOP nearly two to one. It’s easier fr them to suggest that they were outspent, than it is to say that their ideas were rejected….they went “all in” on this, even accusing Walker of fathering a “love child” and still lost. It’s over for the unions, people. And it’s about time.

Finally, let’s recall, please that Wisconsin went for Obama in the last election, in a big way. Does anyone outside the DNC’s inner sanctum not understand what a ground shift this is, and what it suggests for the election in November?


Oh… and PS to the GOP establishment: This event proves what I’ve ben saying for quite a bit, now… the Tea Party is more popular than you and your “centrism”. Isn’t it time you got on board?