Hat tip:  Instapundit

Hat tip: Instapundit

The white trash from Arkansas, formerly known at the  Smartest Woman in the World,  Mrs B.J. Clinton, proves that her hypocrisy is even larger than her over sized butt, from New York Times:

Hillary Rodham Clinton made a case on Friday for weaning Wall Street from an addiction to profits, calling for a change to capital gains taxes for the highest earners and a string of measures to adjust the balance of power between corporate titans and their employees.

Get back to me, when the most boring stump candidate less Harold Stassen weans her and the Clan Clinton from her three hundred thousand dollar speaking fees, from Washington Post:

Hillary Rodham Clinton and former president Bill Clinton earned in excess of $25 million for delivering 104 speeches since the beginning of 2014, a huge infusion to their net worth as she was readying for a presidential bid.


According to the disclosure, Hillary Clinton delivered 51 speeches in 2014 and the first three months of 2015, earning more than $11 million. Her fees varied, but she earned as much as $315,000 for speaking to eBay in San Jose on March 11; she also collected $325,000 for speaking to the technology company Cisco in Las Vegas in August.

At least a CEO is forced to produce a profit for his shareholders to maintain position. In contrast Mrs Clinton gouges three hundred thousand dollars from soon to indebted college students and the taxpayers for eachwhat likely the same forgettable speech.