In to the Google Wayback Machine.  I googled Clinton sock puppets and got a bunch of hits dated 2007.  The Mrs. Clinton so-called army of supporters consists of paid sock puppets is old news.

Back to the presence, from Aleister, Legal Insurrection:

Yesterday in Iowa, the Hillary Clinton campaign told their young supporters they couldn’t speak to the press. This clumsy and seemingly paranoid move earned Hillary Clinton mockery even on MSNBC.


Not even the Smartest Woman in the World is so stupid as issue an internal gag order to silience her own supporters.  No legitimate supporter of any candidate would honor such a stupid request.  Those were not Mrs. Clinton supporters in Iowa.  They were paid sock puppets.  I wonder if Mrs. Clinton was paying her sock puppets a living wage?\

Back to the Smartest Woman in the World, how bad is it, when Mrs. Clinton even loses MSNBC?

File under: A Clinton never changes her spots.