Hat tip: Instapundit

Eric commented on the state of the electorate.   The good news there a clear path to a GOP road to victory and if the nominee is not La Donald Trump, there is clear path for a conservative victory.   Sadly for the fans of John McCain, Mitt Romney, Jon Huntsman et al, the road to the White House is not paved with media favor and guided by the principle of being nice to the democrats.

Being nice to the ‘rats have eight years of a supposed editor of the Harvard Law Review who never actually wrote an article for the Review.   His  anointed replacement is a lawyer too stupid to pass the District of Columbia bar exam, from  Kurt Schlichter, Townhall:

That’s a little taste of what will[sic should] happen in the general election, but we conservatives have to face the heat and tell the truth. Imagine Supreme Court litigator Ted Cruz (or whoever) on the stage at a debate with Hillary, when everybody’s watching and she’s minimally able to rely on the media to save her. Hillary starts talking about what a friend to women she is, and Cruz comes back with her shameful treatment of the women her husband abused. Yeah, I expect the moderators to pull a Candy Crowley and screech and intervene to stop it, and the next day the mainstream media will be full of pearl-clutching outrage about the Republican daring to bring up a subject that they’ve decreed was off-limits. But normal people will ask. “Hey, wait a minute. Hillary did what? Why are we only hearing about this now?” And the fact that we have an alternative media – talk radio, Twitter, Facebook, the net in general, means that we can get our ideas and our views out there. They can’t gatekeep her track record of perfidy forever.

The lame streamers do not want to defend either B.J. or Mrs. Clinton. Rather, they rather declare the subjects of their personal character, or lack thereof, and the records off-limits. Go there and relish it.