Clinton_Hillary_pretty_in_orangeWith no highlights to post, some low points of the debate of the ‘rats in New Hampshire.

Mrs. Clinton,  a/k/a Miss Piggy, used to be called smart, but the only thing she has been consistently called is a liar.  If you believe Miss Piggy Wall Street political donations to say Karl Rove are the epitome of evil, and the Constitution must be amended to ban them.  Then on the other hoof, a Wall Street donation to herself is not per say evil.   That is to say Wall Street money is inherently evil, unless Miss Piggy is the recipient of said money, from Politico:

“But she did acknowledge that she may not have done a great job at explaining her record on Wall Street. She explained that she went on the speaking circuit after leaving government, one that included stops before heart doctors and auto dealers and camping associations, and Wall Street, too.

She also said it’s important to note when she received the speaking fees. “I went to Wall Street before the crash,” she said, adding that she was trying to tell them to clean up their act, knock off the dangerous mortgage practices, and stop paying their CEOs so much.

I think the best evidence that the Wall Street people at least know where I stand and where I have always stood is because they are trying to beat me in this primary,” she said. “I have a pretty good understanding of how to stop them.”

Not to quibble with Politico, but Mrs. Clinton did not suddenly turn ugly.  Like her emails, she was born ugly.


Hat tip video and reax, American Power:

Hmm, is she trying to accuse Sanders of something nefarious, like she’s in bed with a Jewish cabal, or something?

I’ve never heard of anything like that, especially since I think Sanders’ attack on her Wall Street ties is completely legitimate. Let’s see how this plays out today in all the talking-head commentary.

Note, Mrs. Clinton did not deny any Wall Street quid pro quo. She denied that she changed her votes based on Wall Street donations. What she failed to mention is how much she will charge for another Mark Rich preemptive pardon.