While what follows is gibberish, but it is also a ruling from a sitting federal judge:

A federal magistrate judge recommended Tuesday that a transgender girl[sic boy] at the center of a lawsuit over restroom and locker room access be able to use the girls’ locker room at her[his] Illinois high school, writing that the Constitution doesn’t protect students against having to share such facilities with their transgender peers…

In what sense does he judge use the term peers. Does the judge mean all classmates, male and female? In the case I hardly see the sense of having separate locker rooms. Or does the judge mean that boys who identify as girls, on a particular day, are the gender peers of sexual females? Lord know what the judge was snorting.

“High school students do not have a constitutional right not to share restrooms or locker rooms with transgender students whose sex assigned at birth is different than theirs,” Gilbert wrote.

On one hand, Gilbert concedes that sex exists. God bless him.  But then asserts that it does not matter. As a matter of biology, we are all conceived as either, male or female. Males have a Y chromosome. Females do not. More over, if Gilbert deems your father chromosomes received at conception does not assign a sex, how does Gilbert leap to the conclusion that sex was somehow assigned at birth? He can’t. Rather Gilbert is only pandering to the social justices warriors who refused to consider a human being as existing before he is born.

“A transgender person’s gender identity is an important factor to be considered in determining whether his or her needs, as well as those of cisgender people, can be accommodated in the course of allocating or regulating the use of restrooms and locker rooms,” he continued. “So, to frame the constitutional question in the sense of sex assigned at birth while ignoring gender identity frames it too narrowly.”

Wow, Gilbert can not find a constitutional right to privacy based on sex. However on the other hand, he testifies that a tranny’s self-proclaimed gender identity is an important factor that somehow needs to be protected. Gilbert just must be using the new, and still secret, Social Justice Warrior Constitution.

Funny, the right to have an abortion was derived from the right of privacy deemed by the Supreme Court to be in the  Constitution.    When it comes to abortion the right of privacy is sacrosanct.   Otherwise not so much.

Hat tip: Aleister, Legal Insurrection.