Surprise President Donald J. Trump knows supply chain management, and more specially Just in Time(JIT). Evidently, JIT is something not taught in either political science classes or journalism school, from Matt Margolis, PJ Media:
[Connecticut Governor Ned Lamont]”It was disturbing today to find out that the national strategic stockpile is now empty. We did get 50 ventilators, for which I am very thankful,” Governor Lamont said. “For now we are on our own. For now, we are doing the best to scour the globe for PPE (personal protective equipment) as best we can.”
This, it turns out, was not true. President Trump was asked about Lamont’s claim during the Coronavirus Task Force press briefing, and he explained what’s really happening.
“It’s not emptied, let me explain something. What we’re doing […] rather than having it brought into the stockpile, where appropriate […] we’re trying to have supplies sent directly to the states,” Trump explained. “Because we don’t want medical supplies coming into warehouses all over the place and then we take them from there and bring them to another warehouse. So we’re having them brought, ideally, from the manufacturer directly to the hospital or the state where it’s going.”
Memo to Governor Lamont, the ‘Seventies just called, and they want their philosophy back.