As the old joke goes: What do the Sun and Eastman Kodak have in common? Both are large yellow objects that used to seen in Rochester. Well the Sun is still missing, but like Nessie, the Loch Ness Monster, a
Pop quiz, name the one lifetime achievement of the late four time governor of New York State, one Nelson Rockefeller? He fired, Robert Moses, from three state jobs. Moses dream was to bulldoze every neighborhood and to build a freeway.
CNN’s own Fredo(Jr.) Cuomo interviewed his older brother Fredo(Sr.) With New York State being the domestic epicenter of the Chinese Wuflu, in large part due Sr’s policy of infecting nursing homes with Covid positive patients, Jr skillfully steered the conversation
I confess that this post may not be fair, but it is irresistible. Wayback to 1984, video:
From PJ Media:
One in Five Wendy’s Restaurants Is Out of Beef
“Where’s the Beef”? the old Wendy’s commercial asked. Now, Wendy’s
Some, albeit not me may have accused Ellen Degeneres of being a comic. I doubt that any have accuse her studying high school biology, from News Turd?
Today Ellen Degeneres had actress and wife of former NBA star Dwyane
Continue reading about Ellen DeGeneres, to Love Your Children is to Castrate Them
I swear that if I hear one more government doctor who hasn’t seen a patient in forty years blabber about models, I am Michael Mann him. Models a good option in the absence of data. However when the models consistently
The mantra of the social justice warrior is to never let the facts obscure their agenda. Speaker of the House defending down playing the health threat posed by the Chinese Corona Virus (Wuflu) because in her demented minds referring to
[Connecticut Governor Ned Lamont]”It was
The Obama administration is looking to ease public fears over the Zika virus
Continue reading about Zika Virus to Strike, Women And Children Hardest Hit
Planned Parenthood protesters threw condoms at Carly Fiorina today while she campaigned at a tailgate party for the Iowa Hawkeyes.
Continue reading about Abortion Extremists Protest Carly Fiorina
A relatively new super bug may have met its match in a 1,000-year-old eye treatment, according to researchers from the University of Nottingham.
The tenth-century
Are conservatives missing something on “black lives matter” here?
Well black lives do matter in two ways. One they needed to keep the democrat party criminal enterprise in power and two they exist to
Continue reading about Regime Does Battle with Eradicated Disease: Measles