Fredo, Sr. b/k/a Andrew Cuomo, Governor New York, may still have CNN cub and younger brother, Fredo, Jr. in his corner, but he has lost Jake Tapper, from Breitbart:
Tapper said, “New York’s Democratic governor Andrew Cuomo seems to
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It has been said that a mistake is when a politician accidently tell the truth. Did Slow Joe, b/k/a Joseph Biden(moron – Delaware) just make a mistake. Hunter Biden has no known business skills. Yet foreign concerns pay the
The domestic epicenter of the Chinese Wuflu pandemic is New York City. The city is tough position with regard to the Wuflu. However the obstinate position of the mayor, Bill de Blasio, to disregard sound medical advice and instead push
Surprise President Donald J. Trump knows supply chain management, and more specially Just in Time(JIT). Evidently, JIT is something not taught in either political science classes or journalism school, from Matt Margolis, PJ Media:
[Connecticut Governor Ned Lamont]”It was