BO says he supports the bail-out plan:

RENO, Nev. (AP) — Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama on Tuesday called for Americans to get behind attempts to salvage a $700 billion rescue plan for the financial sector, saying that if Wall Street fails ordinary people will also be hurt.

“This is no longer just a Wall Street crisis. It’s an American crisis, and it’s the American economy that needs this rescue plan,” Obama told about 12,000 people at a rally at the University of Nevada at Reno.

Obama said Congress should put aside politics — he didn’t mention GOP rival John McCain by name during his remarks — and should act on the legislation quickly.

Yet BO’s campaign co-chair does not.  Statement from Repesentative Jesse Jackson,  via Lynn Sweet, Chicago Sun-Times:

“Today, I voted NO on the Emergency Economic Stabilization Act of 2008, a $700 billion earmark for Wall Street. Although this bill is a tremendous improvement over the legislation proposed by the Bush Administration last week, it still falls short of what is needed to shore up the economy, protect taxpayers and promote economic growth. We have gone from Roosevelt’s New Deal, to Reagan’s Raw Deal, to Bush’s Quick Deal. The American People are demanding a Fair Deal and on November 4th will elect Fair Dealers”

If BO does in fact support the bail-out plan, he going to great lengths ti avoid signaling his support to his supporters in Congress.    Or are we somehow suppposed to believe that BO can unite the country but not his own campaign co-chair?

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