Word from Ed Driscoll this morning, that Syria’s Assad is now gone into hiding…. his family’s dictatorship has now ended.
Well, the first obviousness that pops up here is that nature abhors a vacuum. That’s already been mentioned and I doubt it will be the last time, even for this thread.
Look; No question that Assad was bad…(or is, if you’d like to assume that he’s still breathing) … but that does not equate to an improvement of the situation. There’s no question that the many years of civil war there have been problematic at least… but the guy who led the opposition, one Abu Mohammed al-Golani: is a former Al-Quieda chief. I doubt his taking over Syria is a positive development, for the whole world and particularly for the people of Syria and the surrounding countries.At best, this will be “meet the new boss, same as the old boss”…. but I have my doubts it will be even THAT good.
In what may be the only positive event surrounding this, I see that Israel, following the removal of Assad, has moved to take Mt Hermon, which, IIRC, gives them a decided advantage in their battles with Hezbollah. It also gives them a strategic advantage in protecting their border with Syria now that Syrian troops have abandoned their posts. One wonders if the Former Al-Quieda leader will try to attack Israel since AQ has a clear shot at the border.
But with that new situation for Israel, it strikes me as unlikely that Iran actually WANTED to overthrow Assad. They would never give Israel a tactical advantage, even if it worked in Iran’s favor, too. Their withdrawal was simple recognition that they couldn’t keep the defense of Assad much longer.
I also wonder what efforts Iran is making to establish a relationship with the new Junta.
Another point; I doubt it’s an accident that after so many years of standoff fighting, that the takeover happens mere weeks before the changing of the government here in the states. There’s a hand involved here that we’re not seeing, yet. We’ve been commenting for weeks that Biden looks to be leaving a number of traps for Trump, and it strikes me as likely this is but one more such. So, what did the Biden gang know, and what did they do about it?
Final point; The Iranian forces that were assigned to Assad’s security details have all disappeared. I wouldn’t put it past the Iranians to have deliberately withdrawn their support, to their own eventual advantage.
It interests me that the same folks who tried to transform the US Military into a haven for leftist non-thought…(“transgender rights”, “racial equality equity”, abortion advocacy and Global warming, Global cooling, climate change and Jew hatred, have unanimously decided that Pete Hegseth dangerous…. and will be a serious issue if he leads that military, simply because he’s a Christian. And on that subject, these same folks defended and promoted both Nancy Pelosi and Kamala Harris, are all worried about the idea that Hegseth used to drink a lot. What is happening here also happened to Justices Thomas and Kavenaugh, in case you don’t remember. Make up stuff… and keep spearding that BS in the hopes that it sticks. (Rather like “Russia, Russia,Russia’, eh?)
The biggest problem with his confirmation at this point is the RINOs in the Senate… Among them:
Senator Susan Collins
Senator Lisa Murkowski
Senator John Curtis
Senator Lindsey Graham
Senator Mitch McConnell
Senator John Thune
These are folks with a serious case of butthurt, willing to help the Democrats work against the will of the people. Mostly because they’ve not had a mandate of the people in generations, and at this point the only way they can feel powerful is to thwart those trying to save the country. The above list needs to be removed as soon as possible.
Certainly, that was the idea behind 1958 which was called by some, the international geophysical year, or IGY, which was gently lampooned by Donald Fagan on his nightfly album in both the song “IGY” and ,”New Frontier” .
And speaking of new frontier, that was certainly reflected in the speeches JFK made back in the day.
And then JFK, RFK and MLK all caught a bullet or two.
The disillusion that resulted in large part gave way to the drug induced euphoria of the ’60s, which in turn, gave way to the tragedies attached to that subculture. Then came the race riots, then came Watergate.
It is interesting from a historical perspective to notice that most of the optimism in the ’50s and ’60s seemed to center around technical achievements, most of which seemed to be coming from these United States. Oh, we had German technocracy in automobiles. We had Japanese technocracy in electronics, but even there most of the true advancements seemed to be coming from our industry here in the states. If we believed the optimistic promises that were made, we had every reason to believe that our supremacy in that direction would continue.
But slowly, ever so slowly, and perhaps subconsciously, humanity began to recognize that for all of the technical advancements, both wonderful, and terrible, humanity itself has not improved.
The aforementioned Paul Harvey in his acceptance speech of a Radio and Records award (which by the way is available on YouTube) said, (and I’m paraphrasing here)
” Isn’t it amazing, with noisy depressing news hour after hour, and all of our emphasis on the negative crime inflation, fires, floods, with our persistent preoccupation with negatives, we tend to un-sell ourselves on a way of life which is in fact the envy of the rest of the world.”
And those negative messages keep getting repeated, and repeated, and repeated.
As Harvey put it,”And that repetition, is effective. I tell you, repetition is effective. I tell you repetition is effective.”
Anyone who has been in the radio or TV business will tell you, it’s very true, that repetition is the soul of advertising.
In that speech, Harvey gave us an indication of this. He points out that years ago a game show consistent was asked by Bob Barker “name two brothers who enabled people to fly.
That contestant without a moment’s hesitation blurted out ” Ernest and Julio”. ( These were California winemakers, Ernest and Julio Gallo. We haven’t seen any of their advertising for years, so I suppose only those who lived through the 50s 60s and seventies will recognize the names. They are still in business but they haven’t been doing much advertising for a number of years now. )
Of course the proper answer to the question was the Wright brothers, but years of repetitive conditioning in the form of advertising forced the contestant to answer with the names that she had been hammered with for decades.
With that phenomena in mind, I’m going to dare to propose to you:
* Over 100 years of frantic “news” about global warming, global cooling, climate change I have been nothing more than an advertising campaign.
* The show trial called the “January 6th committee”, was an advertising campaign.
* The recently abandoned multiple prosecutions against Donald Trump, were an advertising campaign.
* Insistence on allowing drag queens to read to children, is an advertising campaign.
* The curriculum in our places of higher education have to a large extent become an advertising campaign, spreading negatives about ourselves, which get instilled in the young minds full of mush who have never experienced life in the world. The dissolutionment instilled by those institutions is further reinforced once those former students get out into the real world and recognize that the supposed education they were given… And paid large dollars for… is worse than useless.
And of course, as Joe Goebels indicated, repeat a lie often enough, and it becomes the truth.
Those are just a few examples, of course, of a larger picture. But notice that in each case negativity about traditional and pro-american life in America is injected repeatedly, with constant negativity in the form of virtue signaling.
There’s another indication of this of course, involving the word misinformation. The efforts of some trying to limit free speech, limit opposing the left, is the strongest indication you’re ever going to find that the LIE is losing its power, that the facts are overwhelming the propaganda.
The most recent election is, I believe, another solid indication that a large number of people are catching on to the contents and results of this playbook, if only subconsciously.
This is particularly true when you look at the stock market and at consumer confidence poll data, immediately following the landslide victory of Donald Trump.
Oh, I know, but say what you will about the stock market… it is if nothing else, a gauge of confidence in the future. If you’re convinced by all the negative advertising that you’re exposed to on a daily basis over a period of decades that the whole damn world is falling apart, and your future is looking bleak, you’re not nearly as likely to invest in that future, much less identify with it. Which I believe is precisely the effect that the “advertisers” want.
It will be interesting to see how much of that preconditioning we as a people will be able to overcome in the next several years. But I believe it’s vital that we do.
Senator Susan Collins
Senator Lisa Murkowski
Senator John Curtis
Senator Lindsey Graham
Senator Mitch McConnell
Senator John Thune
I’ve been saying for several days now that the establishment GOP was going to be the biggest problem going forward. These are the people I was talking about.
But let’s not forget we also have the establishment GOP to be concerned about. That’s going to be the most serious roadblock.
Steve Hayward points out that there is a couple of very good indicators:
The clearest sign that wokeness is over will be when the Washington
Commanders NFL football team (“Commanders”—perfect name for the team
located within the beating heart of the administrative state, no?)
changers their name back to “Redskins.” There are some news stories
suggesting this may be under consideration.
Hopefully Cleveland will
restore “Indians” to their MLB team, too.
And why is it under consideration? Because of the large number of fans that were alienated by those moves. The fans got sick of it.
It seems to me that is yet another Factor in the huge victory of Donald Trump at the beginning of last month, that the left still does not understand… And one wonders if they ever will.
Anybody who didn’t know that was coming probably that the Democrats wouldn’t get an epic beatdown in the most recent election.
And of course they also believed:
* You can’t believe Hunters former friend Robert Hur… He is a liar.
* The videos of Biden stumbling up stairs and issuing embarrassing word salads at official events, are just cheap fakes.
* Inflation is transitory.
* Afghanistan is a success.
* The border is secure.
* Biden has a cold. Don’t worry, he’ll never drop out.
* Oh, I’ll never pardon Hunter.”
In a broader sense, this is deeper than simply Joe Biden, this is the Democrat party.
* Russia, Russia, Russia.(Literally millions of dollars worth of investigation, and the investigators finally concluded that there was no proof of it.)
* J6 (An Insurrection that nobody was ever charged with, and the first Insurrection in history where the supposed Insurrectionists were unarmed. In fact, the only person who was shot and killed was a protester…. And the blue suit in question got a promotion out of it.)
* Attacks on Clarence Thomas, (which amounted to nothing, no evidence…)
*Attacks on Brett Kavanaugh, (which amounted to nothing, no evidence…)
* If you like your doctor you can keep your doctor.
* There will be a tax cut for the middle class. (And a week after the election, a 180 gets issued.)
Do you see a trend developing here?
I mean, if I was to list all of the flat out lies that we have been subject to from the Democrats over the last 10-20 years I’d need a lot bigger blog, and you’d need the entire weekend to read it.
So, the pattern is well established, here.
By the way, for those of you keeping count this brings the record of promises from Joe Biden that he has broken to every single one of them.
That well established pattern is why actual news agencies ( a list in which I do not include NBC, ABC, and CBS, CNN, and certainly not the soon-to-be extinct MSNBC) were constantly peppering the White House and KJP with questions about whether or not Biden would pardon his son. They knew, even then.
It was as predictable as the sun coming up in the morning. Let’s face it, this was inevitable. If Biden had actually stayed in and won the election, (you can stop laughing, now…) he would have waited until after the election to issue the pardon. As it is, he personally has nothing to lose and everything the gain by this pardon.
“No reasonable person who looks at the facts of Hunter’s cases can reach
any other conclusion than Hunter was singled out only because he is my
So said creepy Uncle Joe in his public statement about his action. But of course that’s another lie, and a big one. Either he’s forgotten or he’d like everybody else to forget, that there are literally thousands of people… Including a large percentage of minorities… in jail for precisely the same offenses. I mean, whatever happened to “nobody is above the law”? Obviously, there are exceptions.
And reasonable? Does that mean that the majority of the American voters which put Donald Trump back in the White House and gave both houses of Congress to the GOP, are unreasonable?
And how about the long list of nonsense charges that would never have been brought had Mr Trump not decided to run for president again? Singled out for prosecution? There’s your poster boy.
What an interesting, and flexible definition for that word “reasonable” he must have!
Another point….This is a blanket pardon for anything that he might have done over the last 10 years.
It also includes the period of time when he was on the board at Berisma and collecting money from Vladimir Putin’s old friends in Kiev.
Leaving aside the obvious reference to the protected classes, let’s look at who else is being protected by this. Joe Biden himself.
Make no mistake, here. We know that Hunter Biden was selling access to the “big guy”…. who by the way got 10% of the receipts.
In issuing this pardon, Joe Biden has wrapped a layer of protection around himself by quite effectively limiting investigations into the activities of the Biden family.
And that’s really what this is all about.
Thing is, the American voters know it, too. Let’s just hope they don’t forget it in 2 years.
Let’s hope also that we don’t see similar pardons for Jack Smith and other George Soros backed prosecutors as we see the aforementioned MSNBC calling for.
What even ABC News comes up with a story like this one, it’s time to admit just how corrupt the Biden family has been.
Notice, please, that Biden is pardoning his son for crimes he hasn’t been charged with yet. That’s a strong and admission of guilt as I’ve ever heard of. I’ll post more on this later.
Quite the legacy, eh?
“More important, 2024 marked a resurgence in democracy. The Democratic Party policies that voters rebelled against were profoundly undemocratic. Opening the southern border to admit 10 million or more illegal immigrants–when did Americans ever vote to do that? We didn’t. The Biden Administration exploded the national debt, driving up the cost of groceries by 20% or more. When did Americans vote for that? We didn’t. The Democrats’ top priority is DEI, which is to say, race and sex discrimination. When did Americans vote for that? We didn’t. To DEI the Democrats added trans-insanity, with genital mutilation of minors and men on women’s sports teams. When did Americans vote for that? We didn’t.
Far from representing an abandonment of democracy, the 2024 election was seen by most Americans as an opportunity to–finally!–assert democratic control over a government that was running rampant over their rights via executive and bureaucratic fiat. (Of course the icing on the cake, in terms of democracy, was that the Democrats nominated a candidate who had not gotten a single vote for the office of president.) Until the Democrats acknowledge that reality, they won’t be able to mount a comeback.”
Yeah well with any luck they won’t make any kind of a comeback at all for at least a decade. It’s going to take us that long to get the mess untangled.
Well….. long time readers will know that’s true. At the time, I would have much preferred Ted Cruz to take the nomination. To this day I think he would have made a fine choice. Thankfully he continues to serve our country well, and I would like to see him run again.
That said, I have also been very public about my changing my stance about Trump once he had taken the nomination. At that point it was a completely different choice.
I said at that time…
That is, up until the point where he won the nomination. At that
point, it became a choice between handing the White House to someone who was and remains as crooked as a Nigerian railway, and who would have undoubtedly finished this country off, completing the national
destruction that Barack Hussein Obama started.For me, the nomination was the tipping point, with the driving
question being, what conservative values would be served by handing the White House over to the wicked witch of Little Rock?To me, while I still firmly believe that he is not a conservative, Donald Trump has been a pleasant surprise in terms of how far he’s been able to move the conservative agenda forward, as Ronald Reagan before
The truth is I was pleasantly surprised by Trump’s performance in office and since, despite the tooth and nail (and often illegal, to say nothing of immoral) efforts to derail him, from the Democrats. Over that time I became a Donald Trump supporter. I will not argue with success, as I said at the time.
Even assuming half of what the left was saying about Trump at the time was true, (it wasn’t) Hillary Clinton was still the unconscionable choice.
I found it interesting and educational that a lot of Democrats agreed with my position the time.
There’s no excuses necessary for the position I held then, nor is there apologies necessary for changing that stance. You see, one of the hallmarks of being an adult is the ability to change one’s stand and one’s direction when new facts or conditions emerge.
The new facts that emerged of course were that the attempts to derail, arrest, and assassinate both Trump’s character and his person, were ultimately viewed by the American voter as bald-faced and probably criminal political power grabs.
And I wonder, with the Trump presidency a done deal now, I wonder if we’re going to see the people suffering from Trump derangement syndrome… some of which I’ve chronicled here… change their minds when they see that all the fear mongering that’s been set out by the DNC doesn’t come true.
Will they have the integrity to admit that, when all of the stuff they’ve been fed from the party leaders doesn’t happen?
For the time being I’ll regard it as an open question.
The short answer is “Yes”.
There’s a number of folks apparently (and understandably) still trying to gather some solace after the record breaking loss of the Democrat nominee.
But here we see they’re still stretching the truth:
A Nov. 24 post on Threads shared the claim, writing, “Donald Trump losing the popular vote by 2% and only won because of the electoral college means that he is a DEI president.” (DEI stands for diversity, equity and inclusion.)
Another user shared the claim in a now-deleted Instagram post from Nov. 24, which read, “DONALD J. TRUMP OFFICIALLY LOST THE 2024 POPULAR VOTE FOR POTUS.”
In comments, the user explained that since Trump did not receive at least 50% of all votes cast, he had lost the popular vote.
But this is a misunderstanding of how the popular vote is measured.
In order to win the popular vote, a candidate must only receive more votes than any other single candidate — that is, a plurality of votes. They need not win the majority of all votes cast.
And that’s the way it’s always been. The third forth and fifth (and so on ) parties tend to muddy the popular vote waters. An example of this would be Ross Perot.
Oh, By the way, and before you start in with claims of a tainted source, the source is MSN, hardly a bastion of right wing thought.
* Bluesky will fail for the same reason that Err America did.
* The only reasons anyone ought to be watching the mainstream media anymore is to observe how brainwashing works, and as an explanation for the Trump derangement syndrome meltdowns we’ve been watching for most of this month.
* The ironic part of so many celebrities moving to Canada, supposedly because of the Landslide victory of Donald Trump, is that the Canada will soon be run by a conservative government, led by Pierre Poilievre.
* Fun fact: deportation will cost a third of what maintaining illegals here in the states will cost us. Supporting illegals here in the states, just on the weight of crimes committed by those illegals, runs to the tune of $165 billion dollars.
* Several weeks after the election, just about all the votes are in and tallied. The numbers are the story. Every single state in the Union, even the ones that Harris won, have moved strongly for the GOP. And like their fellow travelers in the Democrat party, the GOP establishment still can’t figure out why. Or, more correctly they can’t admit it to themselves.
The Tapscotts, then of Scottsville, Va., were, like the nation, deeply divided when the Civil War came in 1861. Some of them fought for the North, more for the South. And yet look how far we as a nation have come in the decades since the war.Lincoln’s 1863 Proclamation of Thanksgiving Day as a national holiday is a remarkable document considering the circumstances surrounding its issuance. The battlefields were strewn with the dead and everywhere the issue of the war remained unresolved, stalemated even. But Lincoln pointed Americans to the blessings we enjoyed even in such a hellish midst.
A century and more later, Ronald Reagan often talked of America as the City on the Hill. It’s become increasingly difficult in the present times to recall how deeply felt that vision was and could be again. Take a few moments today and share Lincoln’s Proclamation with family and friends.
More proof as if we needed any that Democrats charges of racism sexism etc are projections… By way of Joanne Jacobs.
Erec Smith, formerly a professor of rhetoric and composition, got tired of colleagues calling him “inauthentically Black” because he embraced “white ways of knowing” such as “argumentation, knowledge of standard English and reason.”
“Critical thinking . . . became critical feeling,” Smith writes. The only acceptable feeling was resentment toward Western Civilization.
“My dedication to the preparation of my students for a free, pluralistic and liberal society induced a rancorous and multiracial tantrum from those dedicated to destroying said society,” he writes. “My desire to empower my students was taken as an apologia for settler colonialism, a manifestation of my internalized anti-Blackness, a preference for White supremacy and a promotion of modern-day fascism.”
There was no place for a Black man who doesn’t identify as a victim, Smith complains. Nor was there any demand for a Black rhetorician who didn’t want to focus on Black rhetoric.
So Smith has left his job at York College for the Cato Institute, where he’ll be a research fellow. He hopes to devote himself to “the life of the mind” — not fending off “middle-school mean girls” with PhDs.
With the tip of the hat to Ed Driscoll.
You know, it’s too bad that Candace Owens isn’t at Cato. I get the feeling she and Smith would get along just fine.