davidl on March 21st, 2011

DavidL's Breakfast Scramble
Dumbo’s Libyan Dodo riles “Rats, liberal democrat congresscritters riled by Barack Obama war on Libya, from:John Bresnahan and Johnathan Allen, Politico:

A hard-core group of liberal House Democrats is questioning the constitutionality of U.S. missile strikes against Libya,

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davidl on April 5th, 2009

The federal Oath of Office, for all Members of Congresss:

I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true

Continue reading about The Silence of the ‘Rats

davidl on March 5th, 2009

So question, what is more danger9us, the  bullet or the ballot.    I contend the latter.   Mrs. Pelosi  seems to think the opposite.    Mrs. Pelosi was set to give District of Columbia residents representation in the House, albeit simply unconstitutional.  Chad

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