Eric Florack on June 3rd, 2009


Welcome, one and all to the most intense Nightly Read anywhere on the ‘sphere…;The BitsBlog Nightly Ramble

This is the “Ad Campaign” Edition. Well, look, I spent all that money on billboards, I’ve gotta get some return on the

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davidl on June 3rd, 2009

So which would the easier argument to seal, 

1: That the United States is a Muslim nation, or

2: That Barack Obama ia  a bleeding moron?

According the New York Times, the dim one told the French that the

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davidl on June 2nd, 2009

Is CNN reaslly this stupid:

WASHINGTON (CNN) – Hours before President Barack Obama departs for a trip to the Middle East, a new national poll suggests that only one in five Americans has a favorable view of Muslim

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