More than 70,000,000 business professionals already use LinkedIn as a powerful platform to stay connected to the business community and to advance their business and their career.

This in-depth presentation is designed for those professionals who already use LinkedIn, but

Continue reading about I’m Doing an Advanced LinkedIn Seminar for the Cincinnati Chamber on 07/16/2010

More than 65,000,000 business professionals already use LinkedIn as a powerful platform to stay connected to the business community and to advance their business and their career. This in-depth presentation is designed for those professionals who want to learn more

Continue reading about I\’m Doing Another LinkedIn Seminar for the NKY Chamber – 06/11/2010

More than 65,000,000 business professionals already use LinkedIn as a powerful platform to stay connected to the business community and to advance their business and their career. This in-depth presentation is designed for those professionals who want to learn more

Continue reading about I’m Doing Another LinkedIn Seminar for the Cincinnati USA Regional Chamber – 06/04/2010

Tech Fridays 101 – LinkedIn

Date: 5/14/2010
Time: 3:00 PM TO 5:00 PM

I’m an avid LinkedIn user with more than 2,500 first degree connections and there are now more than 65,000,000 business professionals using LinkedIn with a new member

Continue reading about I’m Doing Another LinkedIn Seminar for the NKY Chamber of Commerce – 5/14/2010

davidl on April 6th, 2010

DavidL's Breakfast Scramble
El Rushmo smacks Dumbo. You knew it was coming.  Rush Limbaugh knocks the legs out from under Barack Obama.

As does Ben Stein, American Spectator:

There are words for national leaders who attempt to appease their enemies

Continue reading about Breakfast Scramble

davidl on December 29th, 2008

I am given to understnad that one sexual predator in particular and leftards in general  are upset that one  Chip Saltsman included the Paul Shanklin classic “Barack the Magic Negro”  in his Christmas greetings, Peter Yarrow, Puffington Post:


Continue reading about BO the Magic Negro