First it was Joe the Plumber, then Rush Limbaugh, then Rick Santelli and now it is Jim Cramer.   Call it a rant, Cramer makes some good points, video:

At some point the Obama administration has to stop trying to shoot the messenger and start dealing with the problem of a tanking economy.  The difference between Obama’s point of view and that of Cramer, is that Obama views Wall Street and Main Street as separate.  Cramer does does not.  How is your 401K doing?

Hat tip and more:  Jammie Wearing Fool:

Despite what’s obvious to everyone, Barack Obama and his socialist mob push forward, clearly inteny on destroying this country as fast as possible.

Jim Cramer woke up. When will the rest of the media?

Maybe we ought to tie executive compensation to the Dow Jones Industrial Average?   If BO doesn’t give a darn about your investments, maybe  he might care about his own paycheck?

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