I believe that Barrack Obama may be the stupidest president ever.    Consider this stunner

“Ultimately, I’m confident that the Supreme Court will not take what would be an unprecedented, extraordinary step of overturning a law that was passed by a strong majority of a democratically elected Congress,” Obama said at a Rose Garden news conference.

Hat tip and reax, Clayton Cramer:

Obama is either lying, or he is too ignorant to have graduated from law school, much less taught at one.

Unprecedented?  The Supreme Court has a long history of striking down laws passed by a democratically elected Congress.  He might want to, you know, actually read a book about his idol FDR, and why FDR felt a need for his court packing plan–because the Supreme Court struck down a bunch of New Deal laws passed by a strong majority of a democratically elected Congress.

Too much cocaine will do that to a brain.    Dumbo b/k/a Obama may be credentialed but his not educated.   Dumbo may have sheepskin or two, but his brain lacks knowledge.

4 Responses to “Dumbo’s Supreme Gaffe”


  1. Martin McPhillips
  2. Eric Florack
  3. Eric Florack
  4. Curtis Smith