I would suggest at Algore walk the walk on his so-called global warming, but Algore is too fat to walk the walk. Well Algore, the feeling is mutual. So propose to settle for Algore waddling the waddle, from Breitbart:
A squadron of 1,700 private jets are rumbling into Davos, Switzerland, this week to discuss global warming and other issues as the annual World Economic Forum gets underway.
The influx of private jets is so great, the Swiss Armed Forces has been forced to open up a military air base for the first time ever to absorb all the super rich flying their private jets into the event, reports Newsweek.
“Decision-makers meeting in Davos must focus on ways to reduce climate risk while building more efficient, cleaner, and lower-carbon economies,” former Mexican president Felipe Calderon told USA Today.
Davos, which has become a playground of sorts for the global elite, is expected to feature at least 40 heads of state and 2,500 top business executives. Former Vice President-turned-carbon billionaire Al Gore and rapper Pharrell Williams will be there as well; each plans to discuss global warming and recycling respectively.
Until these self-proclaimed do gooders and faux expert start treating global warming, climate change, or whatever, like a problem instead of an excuse for an expensive lark in the park, there is no need, at all, to take these jokers seriously.
Hat tip: Darleen, Protein Wisdom.
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