davidl on September 12th, 2020

Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi, meet the late Fred Phelps, from Independent(UK):

Fred Phelps, founder of the infamous Westboro Baptist Church, and the “Gods Hate Fags” fundamentalist movement, has died, according to his son, Timothy Phelps. He was

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davidl on December 16th, 2018

As the environment panic monger trumpet the latest United Nations male bovine excrement, pause to consider, and watch, Algore’s prediction from ten years ago, from Anthony Watts, Watts Up with That:

Ten years ago, @AlGore predicted the North polar ice

Continue reading about An Incontinent Truth

davidl on January 17th, 2018

New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio  wants to do to big oil what big law did to big tobacco, from Washington Free Beacon:

New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio (D.) on Wednesday appeared to blame oil companies

Continue reading about De Blasio’s Hot Air

davidl on January 6th, 2018


It’s bitter cold in parts of the US, but climate scientist Dr. Michael Mann explains that’s exactly what we should expect from the climate crisis.

It is colder than a polar bear dip and all Algore can cite

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davidl on June 5th, 2017

Just as the Sun came up this morning, and garbage stinks, Algore,  b/k/a former Vice President, Albert Gore, expressed, well feigned, shock that President Donald Trump  withdrew* from the United States from the Paris Accords, from Politico:

Former Vice

Continue reading about Algore: You Will Always have Paris

davidl on June 27th, 2016

Robert Post is the dean and a professor of law at Yale Law School, and a disgrace to both his school and profession, from Washington Post:

Global warming is perhaps the single most significant threat facing the future of

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davidl on December 14th, 2015


Kerry_JohnJohn Kerry, a/k/a Lurch,  has achieved a rarity for the regime, bipartisan consensus.    Both the warmists and the deniers don’t like the so-called climate change agreement Lurch negotiated in Paris, from S.A. Miller, Washington Times:

“I understand the

Continue reading about John Kerry Sings Fraud in Paris

davidl on October 23rd, 2015

Advocates of the theory of anthropogenic global warming(AGW) claim the science is settled and some kooks have gone so far as to suggest that those who deny the tenets of AGW be jailed.   Yet in the world of real science,

Continue reading about AGW As Settled Science is Bunk

davidl on October 8th, 2015

In May the Sierra Club opted to install a community organizer as her president, from Politico:

The Sierra Club, the nation’s biggest environmental group, is out to prove that the green movement isn’t just for well-to-do white people.


Continue reading about Sierra Club Does Diversity, Gets Gored

davidl on March 16th, 2015

Al Gore (hot air)Just how bad is Mrs. Clinton tanking?   Bad enough for Ezra Klien, Vox, to call for the return of Candidate Hanging Chad and Mr. Climate Change himself, Algore, from Tom Johnson, News Busters:

Many Democrats would like to see

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davidl on January 25th, 2015

Al GoreI would suggest at Algore walk the walk on his so-called global warming, but Algore is too fat to walk the walk.   Well Algore, the feeling is mutual. So propose to settle for Algore waddling the waddle, from Breitbart:

Continue reading about Davos: Algore Does Not Like How We Peons Live.

davidl on September 23rd, 2014

What is the difference between Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and the late Fidel Castro? Aside from the fact that Castro is probably dead, Castro was a tyrant who put his political opponents in jail, from Marc Morano, Climate Depot:

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The Obama regime pimps out so-called climate change, because that where they get their donor money, from Washington Times:

The Obama administration said Tuesday that bringing Tom Steyer to the White House has nothing to do with the fact

Continue reading about Obama’s Climate Whores Host Climate Pimp Tom Steyer

Warning, do not drink the climate change Kool-Aid,  Warmists issue press release, disguised a scientific report, Washington Post publishes it, as it were news:

People don’t take hurricanes as seriously if they have a feminine name and the consequences are

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davidl on May 27th, 2014

Paging Algore, Memorial in Marquette, photo:

Story, Anthony Watts, Watts Up with That:

IceAgeNow writes: As of today, 27 May 2014, Lake Superior ice cover stands at 4.3% – the greatest level of ice seen on this date, not

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