As the environment panic monger trumpet the latest United Nations male bovine excrement, pause to consider, and watch, Algore’s prediction from ten years ago, from Anthony Watts, Watts Up with That:
Ten years ago, @AlGore predicted the North polar ice
Some things never change. Paging Marie Antoinette. Let them eat cake:
Anti-government protesters clashed with French police on the Champs-Elysees in Paris on Saturday, leaving the famed avenue shrouded in tear gas on another day of demonstrations against President
AOC, b/k/a Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez rips a page out of Algore’s playbook. Refresh me Eric, when did Algore’s latest doomsday scenario expire? From Hill:
Rep.-elect Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.) called on the U.S. to act “urgent[ly]” after a report from the
Can any person who honestly believe is Anthropogenic Global Warming own or fly in a private jet? I say no. Governor Moonbeam, b/k/a California Governor Jerry Brown apparently says yes, from William Teach, Pirate’s Cove:
San Francisco International Airport’s
Continue reading about Global Warming, Private Jets And Hypocrisy
If you can’t find any evidence, just find a bigger soapbox and scream even louder. Michael Mann is long on hysteria, but short on evidence. Even his cited evidence does not support his loudly proclaimed conclusion, from Guardian(UK):
Continue reading about Michael Mann And the Climate Temple of Doom
New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio wants to do to big oil what big law did to big tobacco, from Washington Free Beacon:
New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio (D.) on Wednesday appeared to blame oil companies
It’s bitter cold in parts of the US, but climate scientist Dr. Michael Mann explains that’s exactly what we should expect from the climate crisis.
It is colder than a polar bear dip and all Algore can cite
Do the hoaxsters pushing the anthropogenic global warming protest too much? Scientific arguments can be refuted by evidence and not complaints about semantics. President Donald Trump tweets about the weather,
In the East, it could be the COLDEST New Year’s
Continue reading about My Last Anthropogenic Global Warming Post of the Year
President Donald Trump has achieved results. Climate science whores move to France, from Watts Up with That:
French government broadcaster France24 claims President Macron’s offer of fifty grants is luring climate scientists away from the US to work in
Continue reading about Climate Science Whores Move to France
Climate change alarmists pretend their alarmism is based on real science, yet they refuse to treat their so-called science as real science. For example there is no scientific principle of consensus. In order to scientific a theory must be testable.
It is a smart man who know the limits of his own knowledge. It is a fool who claims to know what is not knowable. Bill Nye, the mechanical engineer turn entertainer, is the latter, from Daily Caller:
Continue reading about Bill Nye the Mechanical Engineer Who Plays a Scientist
Just as the Sun came up this morning, and garbage stinks, Algore, b/k/a former Vice President, Albert Gore, expressed, well feigned, shock that President Donald Trump withdrew* from the United States from the Paris Accords, from Politico:
Former Vice
Me and former Speaker Tablecloth, b/k/a Mrs. Pelosi, do share a common trait To wit, neither one of us are Catholic. I have never been, and Mrs. Pelosi only pretends to be when it suits her political whims. Mrs. Pelosi
Continue reading about Mrs. Pelosi a Catholic When Convenient
Bill Nye( BS, Cornell – 1977 ) bills himself a “The Science Guy.” The problem is that Nye is not a scientist. He is a mechanical engineer. Nye says the science of anthropogenic global warming is “settled>” Yet when pressed
Continue reading about Bill Nye, Hot on the Climate, Cool on Science
On the first full day the Trump administration there is some small hope that sobriety has returned to our government, from Justin Miller, Daily Beast:
Trump’s WhiteHouse.Gov Disappears Civil Rights, Climate Change, LGBT Rights
The minute Donald Trump was