davidl on October 23rd, 2013

snark2.jpgThe Snark of the Day, Peter Wehner, Commentary:

The Affordable Care Act or close approximations of it is something liberals have worked toward for generations. It has been, for the left, a kind of talisman; to have had it

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PrintThe Roll of Shame, the full list of fifty-four turds,  otherwise known as Senators, who voted to for a partial government shut-down rather than derail the Obama Care train wreck:

Baldwin (D-WI)
Baucus (D-MT)
Begich (D-AK)
Bennet (D-CO)
Blumenthal (D-CT)

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davidl on October 22nd, 2013

Barack Obama as the JokerImagine just what coast General of the Army Barack Obama  would have landed had he been in charge of the planning fvr D-Day, from Jack Gillum, MSN:

Project developers for the federal health insurance website say they raised doubts

Continue reading about Obama Care in a Ditch, And Barack Obama Does Not Care

davidl on October 17th, 2013

snark2.jpgThe Snark of the Day: John Boehner, via Weekly Standard:

“How can we tax people for not buying a product from a website that doesn’t work?”

Because the Obamatards don’t give a fig about providing affordable healthcare. They lust after

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davidl on October 16th, 2013

Health and Human Service Secretary, Kathleen Sebelius gets the Vote of Confidence, via Moe Lane:

White House press secretary Jay Carney said Tuesday that President Obama still trusts Sebelius’s stewardship of his signature legislative achievement.

“The secretary does have

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davidl on October 14th, 2013

The Snark of the Day: Atlanta Journal-Constitution

Will President Obama, Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi please explain why a 59-year-old woman is now required to have health insurance for maternity care?

To make it cost more, stupid@

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davidl on October 13th, 2013

The Snark of the Day: Tom Blummer, PJ Media:

Obamacare has become the Big Dig of systems projects. Subtracting a generous 20% off the top for hardware and other equipment, the cited cost to date means that the government

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davidl on October 10th, 2013

The full Sean Duffy, Andrea Mitchell interview, video:


Well played Mr. Duffy.

Mitchell can’t get past that the so-called Affordable Care Act, A/K/A Obama Care, is Obama’s signature achievement.  You can autograph a pig, but he still stinks.  The

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Barack Obama as the JokerYet another Obama Care glitch, brought to by the not ready for prime time administration, from Sean Gallagher

Amid all the attention, bugs, and work happening at Healthcare.gov in light of the Affordable Care Act, potential registrants talking to

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davidl on October 6th, 2013

The Snark of the Day, from Jane (Althouse commenter):

If the federal government has the power to shut down roadways and parks and your disability check, why would you give them power over your health care?

The ruling elite

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Dirty Harry Reid opens his mouth and inserts his foot, video:

Dirty Harry asks what right the House has to pick and choose what to fund. Well Dirty Harry may not have copy of the Constitution, or maybe he is

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davidl on October 1st, 2013

In response wot what he would offer to avoid a government shut down King Barack Obama  is reported to have uttered:

“When you say what can I offer? I shouldn’t have to offer anything.”


Obama has insisted that

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davidl on September 26th, 2013

The Snark of the Day, from James Taranto, Wall Street Journal:

Bloomberg stipulates that an ObamaCare policy will, at least for the young, be expensive (they are “least capable of affording it”) and offer minimal benefit (they are “least

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Barack  Obama  ( Joker )Barack Obama has spent virtually his entire presidency claiming to have some magical knowledge about the health care law associated with his name. from Joseph Curl, Washington Times:

‘Is everybody wrong [about health care]?”

That, in three simple words,

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davidl on September 21st, 2013

Obama_clown-nosePresident Obame, err Obama has high regard for his signature achievement,  the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, a/k/a ACA, b/k/a Obama Care.   One,  Obame did not build the ACA.  Rather the law was cobbled together by the staffs of

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