The Snark of the Day, from Senator Charles Schumer:
As I ride my bike around New York City on the weekends, I see what immigrants do for America and this program has dramatically helped.
Hat tip, the Pundit of
The Snark of the Day: Don Surber:
Brooke Baldwin’s Blonde(Miss Clairol?) Disconnect: She approves of sending one message to my eyes, but disapproves sending a like message to her ears.
The Snark of the Day, Howie Carr, Boston Herald:
How many flood victims in South Texas have been rescued by the Antifa navy?
Don’t tell George Soros can’t afford a navy?
The Snark of the Day, Kate:
“The people being fired at ESPN today aren’t being fired because they are bad at their jobs, they’re being fired because ESPN’s business is collapsing. That collapse has been aided by ESPN’s absurd decision
Continue reading about Snark of the Day: Kate (Small Dead Animals)
The Snark of the Day, from Vladimir Putin:
“We reserve the right to retaliate, but we will not sink to the level of this irresponsible ‘kitchen’ diplomacy. We will take further moves on restoring Russian-American relations based on the policies
The Snark of the Day, from Senator Ted Cruz:
Like bitter clingers, President Obama and Secretary Kerry are spending every last minute of this administration wreaking havoc domestically and abroad. With their last breath in office, they have struck at
The Snark of the Day, from Kellyanne Conway:
“Donald Trump, your next president, turned 200 counties across this country from @POTUS in 2012 to Pres. Trump in 2016.”
Hat tip: Instapundit
The Snark of the Day, Neo-Neocon:
In what comes as no surprise to any human being on earth (with the possible exceptions of President Obama and Canadian Prime Minister Trudeau, and Obama would be pretending), the attacker has been
Imported from Canada it is the Snark of the Day, from Kate, Small Dead Animals:
Did anyone notice that the “Trump ditches press for steak dinner” story hit the news cycle just as Obama was giving a keynote speech
Continue reading about Snark of the Day: Kate, Small Dead Animals
The Snark of the Day, Barrack Hussein Obama:
“Elections have consequences, and at the end of the day, I won.”
Hat tip and more: Clarice Feldman, American Thinker
Obama’s almost eight years in office have led to a significant weakening
Continue reading about The Snark of the Day: Barrack Hussein Obama
The Snark of the Day: Colin Powell.
“A 70-year person with a long track record, unbridled ambition, greedy, not transformational, with a husband still d-kng bimbos at home (according to the NYP),”
Hat tip: New York Post.
Give the
The Snark of the Day:
Cutting off one’s legs doesn’t make you a snake.
Hat tip: Kate, Small Dead Animals
The Snark of the Day, Ace:
The World’s Smartest Man gets a bad case of the Dummies whenever his political coreligionists embarrass him.
I will remind Ace that urban legends of Barack Obama having an above room temperature IQ,
The Snark of the Day, by David Harsanyi:
The Director Of The FBI Wants Us To Believe Hillary Is A Moron
Source: Federalist.
Mrs. Clinton is either a moron or a felon. In neither case is she fit to
The Snark of the Day, Donald Trump:
“I wrote this out, and it’s very close to my heart,” he said at a rally in Buffalo on Monday night. “Because I was down there and I watched our police and our