I love the smell of panic in the morning, From Charles Krauthammer, Salt Lake City Tribune:
As the only socially transformational legislation in modern American history to be enacted on a straight party-line vote, Obamacare is wholly owned by
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President Obame, err Obama has high regard for his signature achievement, the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, a/k/a ACA, b/k/a Obama Care. One, Obame did not build the ACA. Rather the law was cobbled together by the staffs of
Continue reading about Barack Obama: The President Who Fancies Himself a King
Maybe Dim Won, a/k/a President “Present”, a/k/a President Fifty Seven States, b/k/a Barack Obama really did not mean to set a red line in Syria. However it hard to eat your words in the Internet Age, from the official White
Continue reading about President Obama Tries to Erase His Own Red Line.
Victor Davis Hanson poses the question of the century, from PJ Media:
why is there such a disconnect between what Obama once declared and what he subsequently professed? There are four explanations, none of them mutually exclusive.
Continue reading about The Strange Case of Senator Obama And President Hyde
Here is a simple question for a the our dim witted President, who thinks he already knows all he needs to know, from Ralph Peters, New York Post:
Chemical weapons use? Horrible and illegal, a war crime. So is
The first democratically elected president of Egypt has been deposed by the nation’s military:
CAIRO (Reuters) – Egypt’s armed forces overthrew Islamist President Mohamed Mursi on Wednesday, sparking wild rejoicing in the streets at the prospect of new
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Barack Obama hates the phrase “Global War on Terror”, and loathes the very idea of fighting militant Islam. Yet Obama seems to have to problem waging war on the American public, from Tim Stanley, Telegraph (UK):
Those crazy American conspiracy
From Brietbart:
The Pentagon has released a statement confirming that soldiers could be prosecuted for promoting their faith: “Religious proselytization is not permitted within the Department of Defense…Court martials and non-judicial punishments are decided on a case-by-case basis…”.
Continue reading about Obama Administration Intends to Nullify the First Amendment
Sadly for my blog ego, I can not claim to have coined the term, Chicago Thus as description of the Dim Won, b’k/a Barack Obama. Michael Barone’s use predates me, from J. Christian Adams:
You could have listened to Michael
Continue reading about See We Told You So: Barack Obama is a Chicago Thug
Not that I am fan of the wacko group called Code Pink, However I am amused to see them back in the fray, from Washington Tines:
John O. Brennan couldn’t even finish introducing his family before he was interrupted
Barack Obama, a/k/a President Fifty Seven State, a/k/a President Two Face is a hypocrite and coward, video:
Hat tip video, William Jacobson, Legal Insurrection.
Ok, the White House approves suing children as props:
Continue reading about More President Two-Face: Obama Changes Rules on the Fly
Jennifer Rubin, channels her inner Senator Oldsmobile, nee Teddy Kennedy, from Washington Post:
“Chuck Hagel’s America is a land in which gays would be forced back in the closet and Jews would be accused of dual loyalty. Chuck Hagel’s world
Some of what President Obama said while in a campaign stop in Newtown, Connecticut, via Ed Morrissey Hot Air:
We can’t tolerate this anymore. These tragedies must end. And to end them, we must change. We will be told
Continue reading about President Obama Misses the Boat on Sandy Hook