The Palestinian Authority does not want peace with Israel. Rather she wants peace instead of Israel. President Donald Trump has sent a message to the Palies, no peace, no more American money, from Times of Israel
DAVOS, Switzerland — In
I have little use for the United Nations, and would love to see the rats’ nest exiled from Turtle Bay. That said, this video is beautiful, professional diplomats stunned into silence by the truth, video:
Hat tip: Professor William A.
Continue reading about You Could Hear a Pin Drop At the United Nations.
J. Forbes Kerry Lurches off stage in what we can only hope is Lurch’s final speech as Secretary of State. Lurch opined out the dream, delusion, of two states, one Jewish and the other Palestinian, living side by side by
Allies spy on each other. The United States spies of Israel, and in turn Israel returns the favor. I am not shocked but the regime is irate. Apparently in Barack Obama’s ivory tower, only the United States is allowed to
Continue reading about Israel Reveals US Secrets to Congress, Obama Irate
I’m coming off the first extended weekend I’ve had in several weeks. Kinda nice being able to spend some time around the house. My truck needed some work anyway, and I had some paperwork that I had to complete. the
A cynic, such as myself, might be tempted to conclude that Barack Hussien Obama simply spent too much time with the likes of Frank Marshall Davis. I would explain Obama love of murderous dictators, from Eli Lake, Bloomberg:
Continue reading about Iran V. Israel: What Side is Obama On?
The Snark of the Day, Senator John McCain, from Blaze:
“Get over your temper tantrum, Mr. President.”
Maybe McPain got Dim Won confused with a republican?
Is Bibi, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, calling a reverse diaspora? The ideas that Europe had somehow matured out her antisemitic past, and that Jewish people can live safely in state which allowed for unchecked immigration of Muslims with
Continue reading about Reverse Diaspora, Bibi Call Jews Home
Geraldo Rivera JINO (Jew in Name Only), video:
Hat tip: Allah Pundit, Hot Air.
The only defense Rivera offers is to play his Jew Card, and he does so poorly.
In politics an accident is when a politician accidentally speaks the truth. Finnish reporterette Aishi Zidan had one such accident, via William A. Jacoboson, Legal Insurrection:
Don’t use me as your propaganda weapon
I spent a night at the
It has come to this, Hamas is an Islamist terrorist group and the United States, Barack Obama and John Kerry, are more supportive of Hamas than they are of Israel and more supportive of Hamas than many Arab states, from
True the World’s Smallest Violin is an old joke, but still a rather apt one, via Right Scoop:
ISRAEL NATIONAL NEWS – Seventy thousand Gazans were in the dark Sunday night after a Hamas rocket hit the electricity infrastructure
President Fifty Seven States knows best. He told the New Yorker’s David Remnick, that his problems were all the fault of those stoopid republicans and dastardly Rush Limbaugh, from Hill:
President Obama said that gridlock on Capitol Hill stemmed
The Lion has died. Ariel Sharon dead at eighty-five:
(CNN) — Ariel Sharon, the former Israeli prime minister who died Saturday at age 85, made a name for himself as a military and political leader who put Israel’s