Dr. Walter E. Williams has passed. From his last column published yesterday, CNS News:
If we accept the notion that rotten education is not preordained, then I wonder when the black community will demand an end to an educational
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The young blonde, with dyed hair, may think a degree in gender studies is equally as valid as say a degree Nuclear Physics, or Agricultural Science. Such is her right to think as such. Sadly while she has pay for
Continue reading about Gender Studies: College Degree to No Where
The John Belusi classic Animal House has been vindicated, from Bloomberg:
Let’s start with studies showing that fraternity members tend to earn more money after college than other graduates do, even if the record shows their grades aren’t as
Edith Macias is an ignorant, vulgar, rude, unpatriotic, thief, video:
Hat tip: Paul Mirengoff, Power Line.
Ms Macias accuses her country of mass genocide, but declines an invitation to leave. Ms. Macias is entitled to her opinion, such as
In shades of Laura Bush, First Lady Melania Trump donated children books, including several Dr. Seuss Titles, to fifty some schools, from Washington Examiner:
Surely, no one would think to politicize this simple gesture from the first lady, right?
Larry Alexander along with Amy Wax wrote, as published on Philly.com, via Law Professor’s Blog:
All cultures are not equal. Or at least they are not equal in preparing people to be productive in an advanced economy. The culture
From Lone Conservative:
The University of California Berkeley, a well-known college that has been in the spotlight for wrong reasons, has labeled and documented the strict, almost unnecessary security measures they’re taking for The Daily Wire‘s Ben
Continue reading about Is Berkley Really Afraid of Ben Shapiro?
According to the recently discovered papers of the late Robert Byrd (Klu Klux Klan) it is a waste of time to even attempt to teach black students math, NPR. Byrd argues rather than educating blacks or other inferior minorities,
Continue reading about Robert Byrd: Darkies Too Dumb to Learn Math
Education was once said to be experience reduced in time. Nowadays, it might better be described as grievances reduced in time, from, via Legal Insurrection:
The University of Scranton in Pennsylvania is seeking to hire a new director to
It was not Travis Gettys’s finest hour. He stares racism in the face and fails to recognize it, from Raw Story:
Students angrily confronted a white New Orleans teacher who insisted he could use the most notorious racial slur
Your red blooded American son is in the male locker room changing for gym class, when he notices a girl next to him, clad only in her underwear. Nature responses, from Blaze:
The plaintiff — a junior at Boyertown
The potty wars saga continues. The right of privacy amuses me. It is held to prevent government intrusion into bedrooms but seems powerless of prevent state intrusion into restrooms. Go figure.
In a long overdue act of sanity, the Trump
Continue reading about Potty Wars: Little Donny to Get the Feds Out of Our Bathrooms
Blacks who were never enslaved should be given by taxpayers, who never enslaved anybody, complimentary college tuition, [board] and housing, all without being required to demonstrate their ability to do actual college work:
MADISON, Wis. (AP) — Black
Potty wars, or how the Obama regime waged war on biology and common decency.
From U.S Department of Education:
Title IX
The U.S. Department of Education’s Office for Civil Rights (OCR) enforces, among other statutes, Title IX of the
File under man bites dog, or a stopped clock is right twice a day, but Dim Witted Donny, b/k/a Donald Trump, actually sounded a conservative note, from Breitbart:
The federal government should leave sexual regulation of the nation’s K-12
Continue reading about Donald Trump Strikes (rare) Conservative Note