davidl on January 11th, 2011

DavidL's Breakfast Scramble
Slapping down the left, the leftosphere since the murder of Cristina Green and others have been trying to push the idea that hate some exclusive province of the right.  There have been several notable rebuttals.  However the tour de

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davidl on February 14th, 2010

DavidL's Breakfast Scramble
The Won is no longer the one, Don Surber:

Jay dumps on “president I’ve been waiting for all my life.”

Democratic Senator Jay Rockefeller — West Virginia’s other senator — got a little excited about Barack Obama

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Eric Florack on May 14th, 2008

Dana Milbank once again shows why nobody… even Democrats… should take the guy seriously;

Dana Milbank showing hos ability with the cheap shot

2:57 p.m., Yeager Airport, Charleston, W.Va.: A steep descent brings Clinton’s plane to Charleston’s hilltop airport. After an appropriate wait, she steps from the plane and

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davidl on May 13th, 2008

Mrs. William Clinton

CHARLESTON, W.Va. (AP) – Hillary Rodham Clinton coasted to a large, but largely symbolic victory in working-class West Virginia on Tuesday, handing Barack Obama one of his worst defeats of the campaign but scarcely slowing his march toward the

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