davidl on January 12th, 2009

Jim GeraghtyCNN discovers Geraghty’s Law, National Review, 4 August last:

All Barack Obama statements come with an expiration date. All of them.

Jim Acosta et al, CNN:

During the campaign, Obama also told voters, “I don’t believe in running

Continue reading about Geraghty’s Law Redux

davidl on January 9th, 2009

Jim Geraghty, National Review, 4 August last: 

All Barack Obama statements come with an expiration date. All of them.

Barack Obama, a/k/a messiah, a/k/a One, April last, via Stop  the ACLU and Allah Pundit, Hot Air:

“We must

Continue reading about Geraghty’s Law Redux

davidl on August 29th, 2008

The official Democrat Party Veep Hit list: 

Bobby Jindal
Mitt Romney
John Thune
Tom Ridge
Tim Pawlenty
Carly Fiorina
Charlie Crist
Fred Smith
Eric Cantor

Blind-sided baby!

Sarah Palin gives the McCain-Palin campaign some leverage to attack Obama a several

Continue reading about The Old Guy Fakes Howard Dean Out of His Amanda

davidl on August 26th, 2008

The BO campaign is in panic mode:   Here is a link the American Issue Project ad.   A link to the BO campaign response.

Here the text of the core of BO’s response:

Obama: I’m Barack Obama, and I approved this

Continue reading about The Smell of Panic in the Air

davidl on August 23rd, 2008

Jim Geraghty has said that all of BO’s statements come with exparations dates.  Well I quess that applies to campaign slogans as well.   Now Obama is set throw his promise of change under the campaign bus, Ron Fournier:


Continue reading about BO Throws Change Under the Bus

davidl on July 22nd, 2008

Barack Obama continues his victory parade before the fact in the Middle East, while the American media attempt hide the fact that BO is clueless.  The Associated Press, like the New York Times, tanks for Obama.  Consider this lede by

Continue reading about The Clueless Victory Parade

An interesting admission on this Obama tape thing I mentioned yesterday and the day before, from Jim Geraghty at NRO:

The preponderance of the evidence now suggests that there’s nothing there. One of the arguments that made me think there

Continue reading about Still No Tape From Larry Johnson, But We Do have a Decent Measurement of How Bad Things are for the Democrat Party

davidl on May 28th, 2008

1952, Dwight David Eisenhower:

“I will go to Korea,”

Ike went to Korea.  The fighting stopped.

2008, Barack Hussien Obama, rejects John McCain’s proposal that they both go to Iran, From the BO campaign, via Jim Geraghty, National Review.

Continue reading about Ike Went to Korea.  BO Will Not Go to Iraq.

davidl on May 20th, 2008

Mrs. William ClintonDesperate people do despite things. Mrs. Clinton is desperate. She craves the presidency but her campaign is running out time, money and primaries.  Mrs. Clinton is losing and she knows it.

Hence Clinton operative, Larry Johnson is attempting to convince

Continue reading about Mrs. Clinton’s Hail Mary