A few thoughts on Hillary Cltinon’s emails.

First, it strikes me that when you’re talking about at E-mail system, you’re talking about messages that go out from that system to other systems. Other people. It is a communications device that sends from that system to other systems and other people.

Now, that may seems a bit obvious, but perhaps the implications of that simple fact may not be to some. Let’s consider them. Those facts mean…


* If there are any instances of Hillary Clinton doing government business from her private server, say, sending mail to any government servers, other workers at State, for example, or the White House, that evidence is available on the archives from the receiving system.

*It would also stand to reason that the humans running that system, receiving email on that system, would know it was sent from a private server, thus raising the question of an even wider cover-up.

* It  seems impossible to believe that she mail to the White House,  or to State,  or any other government agency, so the conclusion to be \\drawn is that the Obama administration in its entirety has always known about Hillary Clinton’s private server.

So, now we see that the server’s existence was leaked by Valarie Jarret.  I take that as proof of all Ive been saying…. there’s no way this White House DIDN’T know. In a just world, this would result in jail terms for a LOT of people at State and in the White House, including Jarret herself.

But this is what you get when you have criminals in positions of power.


One Response to “Hillary Emails”


  1. EricFlorack