snark2.jpg The Snark of the Day, from Kurt Schlichter, Townhall:

Does anyone think Bill Clinton is going to be able to keep it in his pants just because Hillary’s in the White House?

The Clinton’s have long maintained that with a vote for one Clinton, you get two. In this case I agree with Bubba.

You are free to argue that B.J.’s sex life is own private business.   Alas, you would be wrong.   As, neither Clinton would want B.J.’s peccadilloes to become public knowledge, it leaves the Clinton open to foreign government blackmail.   Think about this, why did the Clinton’s allow Janet Reno, the Butcher of Waco to  serve two terms as attorney general?

One Response to “Snark of the Day: Kurt Schlichter”


  1. EricFlorack