davidl on March 10th, 2015

Ok, the Old Biddy, Mrs. Clinton, was born in 1947, well before her vice president invented the Internet. But still, with all the old recycled Clintonistas on payroll like Lanny Davis and James Carville, you’d think the old biddy could

Continue reading about Mrs. Clinton, the Old Biddy’s Presser

davidl on March 8th, 2015

Mrs. Clinton loves to give advice and boosts of making “hard decision.”  Shame she never decided to heed her own advice.

Saul D. Alinsky, via Wikipedia:

“Make the enemy live up to its own book of rules.” If the

Continue reading about Mrs. Clinton Meet Saul Alinsky

davidl on March 6th, 2015

Good news for the grandmother of the country, Mrs. Clinton’s will not have rearrange her baby sitting schedule for her granddaughter to attend those pesty cabinet meetings.  Mrs. Clinton’s campaign for the White House has reached room temperature, from Fox

Continue reading about Mrs. Clinton, the Party is Over

davidl on March 3rd, 2015

The Clinton’s, B.J. and Mrs., believe rules are for the other people:

WASHINGTON (AP) — Hillary Rodham Clinton is facing a new set of questions about ethics and transparency – the sort that have dogged her and husband

Continue reading about Mrs. Clinton’s Old Habits

davidl on February 27th, 2015

snark2.jpgTwo for one Friday. The Snarks of the Day, from Carly Fiorina via Ashe Schow, Washington Examiner:

“[Mrs. Clinton] tweets about women’s rights in this country and takes money from governments that deny women the most basic human rights.”

Continue reading about Snark of the Day: Carly Fiorina

davidl on February 21st, 2015

If you apply the Obama standard, such as it is,  President Barack Obama is unpatriotic.  Is it unpatriotic for a president to raise the national debt?   As a candidate,  Barrack Obama asserted that it was, video:

By the Obama standard,

Continue reading about Obama is Unpatriotic, By His Own Words

davidl on February 15th, 2015

snark2.jpgTruth be told, I am no fan of Maureen Dowd, but the old redhead knows how to get snarky, and anybody who snarks Mrs. Clinton can get an occasional pass from me, the Snark of the Day:

Once the Clintons

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davidl on December 17th, 2014

Like John Forbes Kerry, Mrs. William Clinton was for extraordinary rendition before she was opposed to it.from Daily Mail (UK):

Mrs. B.J. ClintonHillary Rodham Clinton said the U.S. should never be involved in torture anywhere in the world – and also slipped

Continue reading about Mrs. Clinton Does a John Kerry on Rendition

davidl on July 26th, 2014

snark2.jpgThe Snark of the Day, from Noemie Emery, Weekly Standard:

[Mrs. Clinton] may also have come to see her pact with Bill as part of a larger pact with the country, confirmed by his election and reelection. But voters

Continue reading about Snark of the Day: Noemie Emery

davidl on July 1st, 2014

Hobby Lobby covers circa sixteen out of twenty forms of contraception.   From the hissy  fit thrown by the left, you’d think the Supremes has just ruled in favor of mandatory female genital mutilation, or something, from John McCormack, Weekly Standard

Continue reading about Mrs. Clinton’s Brain Damage

davidl on June 22nd, 2014

Is this the prevue of the third Clinton administration, Mrs. Clinton trying, ever so hard, to play the class warfare card, via Right Scoop:

“They don’t see me as part of the problem,” Clinton said of Americans who are

Continue reading about Mrs. Clinton Tries Her Hand At Class Warfare, Fails

davidl on June 10th, 2014

The Snark of the Day:

Cry me a river.

Continue reading about Snark of the Day: Glenn Reynolds

davidl on June 9th, 2014

Mrs. Clinton tried to pass off to Diane Sawyer that she and her husband, B.J. were darn near as broke as one Jed Clampett, before he struck oil, when they were evicted the White House, via Legal Insurrection:


Continue reading about About That Sob Story of Mrs. Clinton

davidl on June 4th, 2014

It was in the news recently that Dim Won, a/k/a Dumbo, b/k/a President Barack Obama had Mrs. Clinton over to the White House for lunch.   It not exactly like Mrs. Clinton actually needs the calories.   So why was Mrs. Clinton

Continue reading about Did the Regime Buy Off Mrs. Clinton

davidl on May 20th, 2014

snark2.jpgSnark of the Day by Sarah Palin:

Hey! Hillary’s brain is off-limits! Leave her health records alone! Democrats are right – scouring records of a female candidate is just politics of personal destruction, and for the media to engage

Continue reading about Snark of the Day: Sarah Palin