davidl on June 5th, 2017

Just as the Sun came up this morning, and garbage stinks, Algore,  b/k/a former Vice President, Albert Gore, expressed, well feigned, shock that President Donald Trump  withdrew* from the United States from the Paris Accords, from Politico:

Former Vice

Continue reading about Algore: You Will Always have Paris

davidl on October 23rd, 2015

Professor Robert Reich, a/k/a Little Bobby, offers his two cents on how to boost the Obama regime economy, from Puffington Post:

Have you noticed how often conservatives who disagree with a policy proposal call it a “job killer?”


Continue reading about Little Bobby Reich

davidl on November 13th, 2014

snark2.jpgSnark of the Day from Howard Dean:

“The core problem under the damn law[Obama Care] is it was put together by a bunch of elitists who don’t fundamentally understand the American people. That’s what the problem is.”

Hat tip: Washington

Continue reading about Snark of the Day: Howard Dean

davidl on September 23rd, 2014

What is the difference between Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and the late Fidel Castro? Aside from the fact that Castro is probably dead, Castro was a tyrant who put his political opponents in jail, from Marc Morano, Climate Depot:

Continue reading about Robert F. Kennedy Jr.

davidl on March 9th, 2014

Dim Won, b/k/a President Barack Obama like the true liberal he is, proposes to give away what he does not own, from Investors Business Daily:

Hi, everybody. This week, I traveled to New England, where I was joined by

Continue reading about Obama’s Minimum Wage Makes Minimum Sense

davidl on February 2nd, 2014

Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) administrator Gina McCarthy is urging so-called scientists to push the Obama administration’s political agenda, via Karen, Lonely Conservative:

“I need you now more than ever to speak the truth,” McCarthy said. “I need you to

Continue reading about Obama Administration Whores Out the EPA


This has become a standing joke, from Weekly Standard:

According to political reporter Salena Zito, today’s economic speeches by Barack Obama represent the 19th “pivot” for the president

If Dim Won a/k/a Dumbo b/k/a President Barack Obama spend half

Continue reading about Joke of the Day: Obama Pivots to the Economy (yet Again)

davidl on January 30th, 2013

A recession is defined as two consecutive quarters of negative economic growth. In the fourth quarter of last year, the economy shrank, from Investors Business Daily:

Obamanomics: The economy shrank last quarter, the deficit topped $1 trillion last year,

Continue reading about Obama’s Recesssion

davidl on December 8th, 2012

Governor Moonbeam, California Governor Jerry Brown runs smack into Arthur Laffer’s curve, from Orange County Breeze:

The following information was released by the California Controller.

State Controller John Chiang today released his monthly report covering California’s cash balance, receipts and

Continue reading about Governor Moonbeam Meets Arthur Laffer

The Obama administration seems intent of destroying every private sector non-union job, from PJ Media:

Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.) lashed out at Interior Secretary Ken Salazar and accused him of using junk science to kill the last operating oyster

Continue reading about The PJ Tatler » Feinstein Slams Salazar for Using ‘False Science\’ to Kill Historic Oyster Farm

davidl on November 29th, 2012

Private sector unions are dying.   The attempt last week to unionize Wal-Mart did nothing to stop the death cycle.  Now after the Waterloo at Wallyworld, McLabor os going after McJob,s from Salon:

At 6:30 this morning, New York City

Continue reading about A Family, a Student Loan And a McJob

davidl on November 24th, 2012

One Jordan Weissmann thinks that Wal-Mart a/k/a Wallyworld, does not pay her employees, associates, enough to suit Weissmann’s particular sensibilities, from Atlantic:

It Would Be Cheap to Pay Retail Workers a Livable Wage

Ultimately, this all comes back to

Continue reading about Libards Versus Wal-Mart

davidl on November 20th, 2012


So what would happen if Dems got all they want?

California, of course:

It is the Snark of the Day form Bruce McQuain, Questions and Observations

Continue reading about Snark of the Day: Bruce McQuain

Eric Florack on October 6th, 2012

From Investor’s Business Daily, by way of Glenn Reynolds:

Even If Obama Did Cook The Jobs Numbers, They Still Stink. “The fact is that even with these inexplicable results, this jobs report shows an economy that continues to struggle.

Continue reading about Jobs Report September 2012 Numbers: They Still Stink

Eric Florack on October 5th, 2012

The White House this morning, is serving up fake jobs numbers… again.  And they read like a fairy tale.

7.8% unemployment.

But notice… the U6.. the real unemployment number…  isn’t listed in the reports we all see…  It stood at

Continue reading about Fake Jobs Numbers…. Again