davidl on February 23rd, 2010

DavidL's Breakfast Scramble
Dumbo proven right, for once. The dim witted one said that if he were elected  president, the rise of the oceans would stop, Guardian (UK)

Climate scientists withdraw journal claims of rising sea levels

Study claimed in 2009 that

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davidl on February 12th, 2010

In honor of idiocy in the media, I hereby designate the Eve Ensler Award.

Today loser is a moron, from Daily Beast, Tunku Varadarajan, has claimed to have published a list of the top twenty-five right wing journalists, from

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davidl on February 4th, 2010


Democrats are in the midst of the painful realization: Mr. Obama’s words cannot save them from the power of bad ideas.

Karl Rove, Wall Street Journal.

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davidl on February 3rd, 2010

I were emperor I just might ban colleges from selling bachelor of art degrees, as they may be more useless than tits on a boar hog    There is this liberal myth that students can attend college for four years (study

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